Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 2, Term 4


This term our Big Idea is 'Discovery'. We will be going on a scientific journey and asking the following questions to support our learning. 

*How do we investigate scientifically? 

*What can we discover when we investigate scientifically? 

*How do our discoveries connect to the world? 

*How can science influence our own and others’ actions? 



This week we will be reading scientific texts to help us build our understanding of scientific vocabulary. We will be tuning in to interesting words and thinking about word parts to help us unpack the meaning of extended vocabulary.


What you can do at home

Notice extended vocabulary (words), written in books or spoken during a conversation. Involve your child in conversations about the meaning of extensive vocabulary that you come across.



This week we will be writing procedures, that is, writing the instructions for how to do something. Typically, when writing this way many verbs are used ('mix', 'fold', 'cut'). Students will revisit sentence fluency and punctuation while writing too.


What you can do at home

Ask your child to tell you the steps involved in doing every day things including tying a show lace, preparing their school lunch box, making tacos for dinner!



In Maths, we will be working with fractions. We will be dividing collections and shapes into halves, quarters and eighths and model and represent unit fractions for halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and eighths. 


What you can do at home

Spend some time looking into recipe books with your child. Notice the fractions that are used in cooking (and then also notice that this recipe is a procedure!) Maybe you could even find a recipe to cook together this week?



*A reminder that each Gr3 & 4 class continues to work within the SAKG program fortnightly. This program is most successful when it is supported by volunteers. If you are interested in helping us to continue running this program, please contact the school to find out more.


*Please help your child remember to pack a fully charged iPad in their school bag each day. We use iPads as a learning tool many times throughout the week. This is made much easier when students remember to bring these tools to school each day.




Saturday 14th October - Vue on Halcyon 'Twilight Graze' Fundraiser 

Tuesday 17th October - Cyber Safety Webinar - Digital Balance & Wellbeing 7.30pm

Thursday 19th October - Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser 

Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November - Book Fair @ WPPS

Monday 20th November - Friday24th November - Swimming program