Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 2, Term 4

🎶 Prep Concert: The Prep concert is on the 15th November! We are starting to practise our songs in our grades, as well as in music classes. Please make sure that you are helping your child to rehearse their lines at home. It is also very helpful if they know the line before theirs so that they are ready to confidently deliver their line. If you have lost the script, please let us know and we will send a copy home in your child's book pocket. 


🎒Prep 2024 Transition: On Wednesday 11th October, all of our current Preps are to go to the BER building with their bags, where they will have a fun morning with their buddies while the 2024 transition morning is happening.


🗓️ Dates for Term 4: To help you stay organised in this busy term, here are some dates that you may like to add to your calendars:

1st November: Grandparents Day, 9.30 - 11am

15th November: Prep Concert - Sky Colour

20th - 24th November:  Swimming (every day of the week)


🗞️ News Groups for Wednesday 11th October: My favourite food - bring a recipe to share!

We have attached the schedule below. 

📚 Reading 

Students will continue to learn about the author's purpose after listening to stories. They will consider questions like 'What does the author want to tell us or teach us? What does the author want us to know?'

Students have learnt many strategies throughout the year to help them with fluency in their reading. We encourage students to re-read and change their voice according to characters to add expression to their voice. 


What can you do at home?

-Log into Reading Eggs and find a suitable text (remember to change the age for 5 - 7 years old).

-Assist your child to read their take home book each night and their magic words. 

-Help your child to read with expression and fluency as they read. 

-Discuss the author's purpose after reading bedtime stories. Eg. What is the author trying to tell us?

-Help your child to cross check their oral reading with questions like, "Did what I read look right? Did it sound right? Does it make sense?"


🔡 Phonics 

This week we will be learning the digraphs of  'ew' (as in blew), 'ue' (as in glue) and revising 'oo' (as in balloon). A digraph is two letters that make one sound.


What you can do at home?

-Revise the digraphs 'ew', 'ue' and 'oo'.

-What words can you find that have 'ew', 'ue' and 'oo' in your take home books or magic words?

-Use your sound ring to continue to practise letter names and the sounds they make. Play some games using the sound ring cards (ideas are on the ring). 


📝 Writing 

Students will read and write number words as a handwriting focus, emphasising correct position and formation on lines. They will also write a poem using their 5 senses. 


What can you do at home?

-Continue to encourage correct pencil grip (pointer on top).

-Practise writing names in school writing, with one capital letter at the beginning of their name.

-Encourage correct formation of letters.

-If your child writes at home, assist them to hear and write the sounds in words. 


🔢  Maths 

Students will learn about the concept of sharing from a large group to make smaller, equal groups (division). They will also learn that 'sharing' can create leftovers. Students will learn about this in a variety of ways, such as through group discussions, playing games, challenging tasks and hands on play. 


What can you do at home? 

-Explore the Mathseeds app on the iPad. You might want to choose games / tasks that involve the concept of sharing.

-We have attached an online game below that is related to sharing. It builds vocabulary of 'fewer', 'more' and 'equal'.


🌏 CBL - Discovery 🔎

Before we start our learning for 'Discovery', we are revisiting kindness and how we demonstrate it at school towards each other.  We are creating a kindness donut to display the things that we do in our classrooms to show kindness. For example, we take turns, smile at others, help a friend, clean up, etc. 


💻 Cyber Safety

Students will explore the concept of personal information and what is safe, or unsafe, to share online.