3/4 News…
3/4 Writing Workshop
This term the 3/4 students have been learning about the writing workshop. The Writing Workshop is an instructional practice designed to help children become confident and capable writers. During Writing Workshop, children have time to work independently and with their peers. They engage in the writing process by selecting topics, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing their original work.
The role of the teacher is to teach students a new skill at the beginning lesson and to conference students on their writing, where they work on writing skills such as voice, organisation, ideas, conventions, extended word choice and sentence fluency. The role of the students is to write for an extended amount of time where they work on skills that has been taught by the teacher, engage with the writing process and work towards their writing goal.
The students take part in the writing workshop twice a week and do structured writing twice a week. Already the writing workshop has shown lots of excitement and engagement in writing, and we look forward to continuing this for the rest of the term.