9-12 Community News

The last day of term brings to a close another busy period in the 9-12 Community. The glorious weather that we have enjoyed has provided a great backdrop for many of the activities that the students and staff of the 9-12 Community have engaged in over the last weeks of term.


Cows Create Careers

The 9/10 Agriculture/Horticulture class have been working hard on the ‘Cows Create Careers’ program.  This is a national program that educates young people about careers in the dairy industry. As part of the program, students worked in teams to complete a major project showcasing their dairy research. Last Friday, the teams presented their project to a panel of teachers, including Mr Sutton. Congratulations to Sharni, Ruby and Shanikka. Their project will now be entered into a regional competition! Good luck, girls.


Year 10 Work Experience & Mock Interviews

As part of their Careers program, Year 10B students undertook work experience this week. Placements included positions in a wide range of businesses in our local area. We look forward to hearing all about their experiences when they return in Term 4. 


Highlighting the range of opportunities that the Work Experience program offers to students, Thomas S presented a report on his experience to the entire school at our recent assembly. Thomas completed his work experience with a Car Racing Team. This was a great opportunity to explore the many career paths offered in the industry.  

10C students will be looking forward to their work experience next term. 

Complementing this experience, last week, all Year 10s took part in Mock Interviews, with students going through the process of writing resumes and application letters for different job opportunities. The students were then interviewed by local business people. This was, no doubt, a valuable experience for all students.


Year 11 Community Lunch 

As part of their VCE Food Studies course, Our Year 11 students held a luncheon for their peers and teaching staff.

The lunch was part of their assessment task, which required students to respond to a design brief by planning and hosting an event that promotes healthy eating options for teens.

The event was a huge success with lots of delicious items available. It was a lovely way to celebrate the end of term and share a meal together. 

Yr 11 Psychology Excursion

On Wednesday 6th September, VCE Psychology students went on an excursion to Melbourne to visit The Dax Centre. The Dax Centre is an art museum which uses art to help reduce stigma towards mental illness. Students had the opportunity to look at different artworks created by people who suffer from a mental illness and engage in a presentation of someone’s journey through their development, diagnosis and current life suffering from a mental illness. This experience provided valuable insights into the complexity of mental illness, and the treatment and support that is provided by those working in the mental health sector.


Kyabram Youth Expo

Yesterday, Years 9 and 10 students attended the Kyabram Youth Expo, an event jointly sponsored by the Victorian Government/Freeza group, Campaspe Shire, CCLEN and the Victorian Youth Fest. The Expo was an exhibition of youth, health and welfare services and community groups in the Kyabram area.  It aimed to connect students with the community by making them aware of sporting and other community groups, options for volunteering as well as how to access local health and welfare services and support networks available to them.


Student Leadership

At this time of year, the College looks to establish the new student leaders for the following year, asking Year 11 students to nominate for the 2024 leadership roles. This is an important stage in students’ lives, as they are asked to reflect upon the qualities that are required of leaders and upon their own unique strengths and attributes. It was gratifying to see so many of our students willing to nominate for these roles and show their understanding of the value of service. We look forward to working with our new student leaders next term.


All members of the 9-12 Community will be looking forward to the holiday break. We encourage all of our students to enjoy the break and come back refreshed and ready to go. This is especially important for our Year 12 cohort.

On their return to school, our Year 12s enter the final stretch of their school careers. Students will complete their final two weeks of formal classes and internal assessments, followed by an Exam Practice Program in Week 3. 

The following links are documents that have been shared with students in relation to Study Expectations for the break.






As students prepare for their upcoming exams, we encourage them to take advantage of some workshops being offered in Echuca.


These sessions are designed to assist students to learn about stress reduction strategies and how to use these to manage and lower your stress. Students will learn about Clinical EFT also known as tapping and how you can use this at home to reduce stress and overwhelm.

This, in person, two part workshop, will be facilitated by Dianne Nash and assisted by Katrina Bell.


When: Thursday 21st and 28th September (Vic school holidays) 9:30-11am each day

Where: Echuca Back 9 Golf Course room (upstairs)

Cost: reduced to $50 per ticket until 14/9/23

  • 9:30 -11am both weeks
  • morning tea provided
  • pen and journal included
  • For more information about this workshop please contact Dianne Nash. 0423 805 138


Beyond the invaluable assistance and guidance that subject teachers are providing, prior to the break, we have encouraged students to speak to their teachers for their recommendations on ways to enhance their study and  make use of the variety of resources available to them, within school and externally. The VCAA website provides past examination papers and examiners reports for each subject. The College’s Edrolo subscription provides access to complementary course and revision material for most of our VCE subject areas.  


We wish you all a restful break.


Michelle Downie                         Brad Downie

9-12 Community Leader           9-12 Community Leader

Wellbeing and Community      Student Learning and Professional Practice