Teaching & Learning News


Mr Ryan's Year 9/10 Music students are currently learning music from the 80s/90s.


Congratulations to the students who received their silver awards so far in Term 4

24 October 2023
24 October 2023
24 October 2023
24 October 2023

Technology Mandatory

Mrs Coopers Year 7 Technology Mandatory students completed their 1st practical lessons, making Cheese & bacon buns. Great work students, they look great.

Technology Metal

This week our Technology Metal students were fortunate to receive a visit from BOC representative Mr Tony Simpson, BOC is Australia's leading gas & welding equipment specialists. Lindsay Butler, a former THS student & currently employed at DTB Fabrications, demonstrated different welding techniques on 2 new welding machines used in the industry. 


Students were able to test out the machines & Mr Sproule is hoping there is enough money in the school budget to purchase one! 


Mr Simpson was very impressed by the standard of welding displayed by THS students! BOC provided a lucky door prize which was won by Lochlan Heidrich, now the proud owner of his own Raptor Wedler.

Ms Scott drawing the raffle winner
Lachlan the lucky winner of his own welder.
Ms Scott drawing the raffle winner
Lachlan the lucky winner of his own welder.


Students in MC8 & MC11 have been doing a course on road safety in English. Today our local highway patrol visited THS. Students were able to ask questions & were given the opportunity to sit in the vehicle & learn all about it! What a great opportunity, thank you.

Technology Wood

Year 9/10 Industrial Technology Wood & Metal students working on their end of year projects.

Year 8 woodwork making Christmas gifts.