In the Spotlight

Year 12 Fun Day
On Thursday 21 September our departing Year 12 students hosted their annual fun day. Each year group was asked to dress in a theme with prizes for best dressed. The themes this year were Year 7 Tradies, Year 8 Cowboys/Cowgirls, Year 9 Pj's, Year 10 Footy colours, Year 11 Hippies & Year 12 90's, Staff movie/TV/music/book characters.
Thank you to everyone who got involved & dressed up. The prizes for best dressed, chosen by Year 12 were as follows.
Deadly Awards
Congratulations to all the winners of our Deadly Awards held on Monday 16 October.
The Deadly Awards recongise the achievements of Indigenous students across our local community. This year, 2 of the 3 major award recipients were non-Indigenous & were recongised for their contribution to Aboriginal culture in lessons.
Well done to our presenters Kirah & Jasmine on doing a fantastic job! Thank you to Mrs Bancroft-Stuart for organising the event, Mr Bice our special guest, SHPMPS, St Joseph's Primary School & Jennings Public School for attending.
The Henry Parkes Oration
Congratulation to our school captains Jackson Clarke and Bridie Makejev who delivered an outstanding speech at The Henry Parkes Oration on Saturday 23 October. The oration was given by the Hon. Adrian Piccoli, the former NSW Minister for Education on Valuing regional education: an economic as well as social imperative.
ASHS Youth Nationals
THS had some students attend the Australian Stock Horse Society Youth Nationals 27 to 29 September. All girls placed with results as follows:
- Hollie Thomas 13-15 years 7th in pleasure hack & 11th overall in 13-15 youth challenge.
- Paige Parker 15-18 years 8th in station horse & 5th overall in the15-18 youth challenge.
- Caitlin Olive 15-18 years 1st in working horse, 8th in stockman's turnout & junior judging, 5th in working section & 9th overall in 15-18 youth challenge.
The 13-15 & 15-18 youth groups had almost 40 competitors in each group. It was a huge achievement for the girls, well done!
1966 School Reunion
On Saturday 14th October Ms Scott had the pleasure of giving a school tour to the class of 1966! Not surprisingly the school has changed a lot - with the current math's block being the main building of the school. Pictured by the honour-board are the school captains!
Mr Ryan
Congratulations to our wonderful music teacher, Mr Ben Ryan, who was presented with his proficient accreditation certificate at school this week.
NRL Mental Health Awareness
On Thursday 26 October Bryson Goodwin & Trent Hodkinson visited from the NRL and discussed mental health awareness to students & staff. A big thank you to the NRL for this opportunity, it was a great afternoon!
Remembrance Day
At 11am on 11 November 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. The Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. They accepted the allied terms of unconditional surrender. The conflict had mobilised over 70 million people, left between 9 and 13 million dead, and as many as one third of these with no grave.
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month attained a special significance in the post-war years. It became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war. Originally known as Armistice Day, it was renamed Remembrance Day after World War Two to commemorate those who were killed in both World Wars.
Today the loss of Australian lives from all wars and conflicts is commemorated on Remembrance Day. THS held a short assembly on Monday 13 November to highlight the significance of this day. Mr Pitkin addressed the assembly then Bridie & Phoebee spoke of the sacrifice made by the Waler horse.
Bridie's speech
Last year I read a letter from Captain Charles May to his wife and child. Several hours after writing the letter he went over the top at the Somme and died. This year I would like to turn our focus onto the sacrifice asked of those who couldn’t say no.
Horses were an invaluable part of war, from the days of the chariot in Ancient Egypt right up until WWI. 500,000 of the best-bred Waler horses were exported all over the world out of NSW (hence the name Waler). The British still claim that the Waler was the best Cavalry horse in the history of the world. Made up of part thoroughbred, draught horse and pony breeds these calm, strong, noble animals made the ultimate sacrifice. Out of the half million that left, only one returned.
Today we want to highlight the brave and selfless actions of Bill the Bastard, the toughest, largest angriest Waler that served in WWI. He bit, he kicked, he was a downright bastard, only used to entertain troops as a buck horse… Until he met Major Michael Shanahan. Shanahan tamed, broke and was the only one able to ride Bill, or even enter the stables with him. Until one night at the battle of Romini.
Phoebee read an excerpt from Roland Perry's novel "Bill the Bastard: The Story of Australia's Greatest War Horse"
Bill was massive. He had power, intelligence and unmatched courage. In performance and character, he stood above all the other 200,000 Australian horses sent to the Middle East in the Great War. But as war horses go, he had one serious problem. No one could ride him but one man, Major Michael Shanahan. Some even thought Bill took a sneering pleasure in watching would-be riders hit the dust.
Well done to Jackson, Bridie & Phoebee for representing THS at the Remembrance Day service, as well as the other students and staff for attending. Lest We Forget.
Ten FM
Throughout Term 4 THS has been on air with Kimbo on the Monday morning breakfast show every fortnight where we discuss what is happening at THS. A huge thank you Kimbo for the opportunity & Ms Scott, Jackson & Bridie who have all been representing the school on air. Ms Scott hopes to introduce other school leaders to the on-air team in 2024. Stay tuned to Kimbo, Mondays 7am to 9am on 89.7 FM.
Year 9 Fundraiser
Thank you to Year 9 students & families for providing home baked goods for the bake sale on Monday 13 November. Year 9 are raising funds for their school camp in a couple of weeks.