A Community Unites

The bushfire emergency in Tenterfield had assistance from firefighters from almost every state and territory.  When the smoke cleared the devastation surrounding Tenterfield was evident however the impact could have been worse if it hadn't been for those who fought tirelessly to save our community.  Every direction you take it is clear what a fantastic job the firefighters did to save home after home from being destroyed.  Unfortunately, some families lost their homes, cattle and feed for stock and fencing. 


Support has been received with Aussie Hay Runners arriving on Tuesday 14 November with 20 trucks, 3 loads already delivered to Tabulam and Tenterfield. Another 25 trucks will arrive next week.  This continuous run will see 45 trucks travelling a total of 132,120 kilometers, carrying 1,620 bales of premium hay valued at $153,900 – directly helping farmers, their families and our community from the recent devastating fires.


The local school children showed their appreciation by doing drawings & writing messages of thanks which were placed in the firefighter's lunches. This gesture was well received & gave the exhausted crews a much-needed lift to continue fighting. 

Thank you to Tenterfield Lions Club for all they are doing for the community and all the other organisations and individuals who have given their time to assit.

The Squirrel Helicopter & the Blackhawk
Two Fire Boss Air Tractors
AT802 Fireboss
Fire Boss Air Tractor
Aero Logistics AS350 VH-THY
More troops heading to Tenterfield from Sydney
Bomber 252 VH-WXF
New England Highway
Mr Barnaby Joyce visting Tenterfield
One of the notes from local school student
Aussie Hay Runners on way to Tenterfield
The Squirrel Helicopter & the Blackhawk
Two Fire Boss Air Tractors
AT802 Fireboss
Fire Boss Air Tractor
Aero Logistics AS350 VH-THY
More troops heading to Tenterfield from Sydney
Bomber 252 VH-WXF
New England Highway
Mr Barnaby Joyce visting Tenterfield
One of the notes from local school student
Aussie Hay Runners on way to Tenterfield

The amazing support continues in the local community! THS received a delivery of fresh fruit, bread & other consumables from Andrew on behalf of the RFS on 9 November. 

The RFS strike teams are all returning home & the food is no longer needed. All goods received will be offered to students at breakfast time (Mon,Wed,Fri) recess & lunch.

THS students & staff baked muffins & biscuits on 1 November which were donated to the show ground evacuation center. We thank the volunteers & firefighters who are helping to keep our town safe in these challenging times.