Principals Report

Ms Stephanie Scott

Welcome to our first newsletter for the term! Apologies that this is so late in coming - we did mean to publish earlier but the fires and a very busy term 4 have interrupted! You will, therefore, see some stories in this edition that did occur some time ago.


I want to first acknowledge the impact the fires have had on our community and to thank the tireless efforts of fire-fighters and other volunteers. Like most places, we have had students and staff impacted and are offering additional support to them where we can. I am so proud of the efforts of THS in supporting the community. Mrs Karen Coopers initiative of baking goods and donating to the evacuation centre, the thank you posters and the support given to Jennings Public School were small ways that our school was able to give back to the community and show support at such a difficult time.


Well done to students for adapting so well to our new phone policy. The changeover to the Yondr pouches has been almost seamless and is now well integrated into the school routine. Our senior students have been particularly responsible and are to be congratulated for setting such a good example to the rest of the school. 


Over the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of interviewing nearly all of our new Yr 12 students on their progress and goals for next year. I have been so impressed with their maturity and commitment to achieving their best.  Most of them also spoke about how well supported they are by their teachers and the school, which was wonderful to hear. One of the supports in place for Yr 12 is the mentoring program, where every student has been assigned a staff member to meet with regularly to offer advice and support with their studies. Thank you to their new year Advisor, Ms Olive, for organising this. 


Finally, last Friday we had the pleasure of attending the Yr 12 Formal at Glenrock Gardens. It was an absolutely beautiful evening and a wonderful way to farewell Yr 12 after their HSC. There were many people who were involved in supporting the night to run so smoothly, but I would like to particularly acknowledge the efforts of Mrs Olivia Parker, for her overall meticulous organisation as well as The Lions Club for volunteering their time to cater so well.