CHPS Art Show!

Hi, it’s Leon and Max here. We are two of the school captains.
On Wednesday the 30th of October the CHPS art show was held. It was a huge success with performances and art on display. This event was not only to display the masterpieces that our students created, but to fundraise for a charity known as the Friends of the Hudad. They are a community group who aim to build a school in Hudad, Ethiopia. This is because some children have to walk several hours just to get to school, then the same on the way back to their house. Children all over the world deserve to have equal opportunities including the chance to learn how to read and write. Special thanks to Rosy and Clare for making it possible. In the art show our art captain Zoe Smart performed a speech on the importance of the art show for not only our school but our charity and community partner. We raised $4,000 for Friends of the Hudad which they are very happy with. Thank you to everyone that helped support this event and for all the donations.
If you didn't get to see the art show, here are a few videos and photos: