Year 10 & 11
Year 10 and 11 (Unit 1 and 2) Sport & Recreation
Throughout Term 3 and 4, students from Mr Wintels, Ms Marino and Mr Parker’s class have headed to Wildfighter Boxing Gym to engage in sessions, but also to see what other offerings are out there in the Sport, Aquatics and Recreation field.
Each of the sessions, which compromised of boxing, cardio and weights, challenged students physically and mentally, and was a great way to see another way how fitness can be obtained.
We would like to thank the staff at Wildfighter, who were excellent, and look forward to working with them again in the future.
Year 12
Congratulations to all our year 12’s for finishing their secondary schooling!
A big thank-you must go out to all the families who supported their children through a year that may have included a myriad of emotions, hard work and sleepless nights (and relief after the final task/exam was completed).
Thanks should also go out to the staff at WHC for their commitment to the students in the VM, VCE, Admin and Welfare teams. I am sure that the students will have long lasting memories of the time spent with you.
As the year 12 LCL, I know I will miss the conversations, the jokes, laughs and the sometimes serious conversations we have had over the journey. But most importantly, I wish all the 12’s good luck in wherever the journey takes them next.
Just a quick reminder that the Graduation is Thursday 21st. A professional photographer will be there from 5-6pm for family and individual photos. Students are requested to begin arriving at Skilled Stadium before 5pm to ensure photos are finished prior to the ceremony beginning. Can parents and students please make sure they check their emails for updated information for graduation.
Brett Bullock.
Important details for Thursday 21st November.
Arrival time is between 5:00pm - 6pm, students and family will check in with one of 3 staff members at the door to mark off names and hand out sashes. You can then make your way to the photographers which are based in the downstairs cafe for student and family photos.
All guests need to be in the Social Club by about 6pm, and a group photo of the Year 12 Graduates will take place at 6:15pm in the Grandstand. Seats in front of stage are for students only, and they will be seated in home groups to make walking on the stage a smooth process.
The Ceremony will start at about 6:30pm.
Thank you so much, and looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday night!
Vanessa Hucker.