Art News 

From Tess and Mel, Art Specialists

Year 1 

Portraits created using collage and line drawing. 

Year 2

Recreating the ‘Polaroid’ photo using drawings and framing.

Year 3 & 4

Students have been working on Claymation techniques over the past few weeks on Stop Motion Studio. Students started off experimenting with techniques including transitions between frames, rolling, squashing, floating and many others. Now they are working on a story board to capture a movement or a short story. 


Using plasticine and wire students have created characters and objects which they have been enjoying bringing to life!

Year 5 students have been building on their sewing skills from last year adding more stitches to their repertoire. Over the past two weeks students have been practicing stitches including split, blanket and satin. In the next few weeks students will create an embroidery design which they will stitch onto a fabric patches.