From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
Dear Families,
We are nearly at the end of term and there is still so much to do! Preparations are well underway in readiness to say farewell to our Grade 6 students. We also have our whole school Mass at St Agatha's Church to look forward to.
I would like to say a huge thank you to our whole school community for another successful Christmas Concert. The weather was beautiful and it was great to chat with you as you enjoyed your picnics. Once again, we filled our school hall and enjoyed a beautiful performance by the children. To be able to tell the story of the Nativity in a way that included the whole school was very special. Thank you for the positive feedback, we are so glad you had such a great evening too. The Foundation students never fail to turn on the cute factor and this flowed through the rest of the school with each of the carols they performed. Our narrators were confident and clear, delivering the story in rhyme was a hard task to set and they rose to the occasion. Thank you also to all of the staff for the work that went into preparing the children.
As I shared with you all on Wednesday, this time of year is full of excitement but there is often a sense of sadness as well, especially when we are preparing to farewell members of the school community. Not only are we saying goodbye to our grade six students, for some of you this is your last or only child graduating from primary school so we are losing families that have been part of the community for many years.
We also say farewell to staff members and this year, those goodbyes will be to Trish Lloyd and Rosie Osthmuller. Both Trish and Rosie have been a part of St Therese's for many years, most recently in the roles of Wellbeing and Learning Adjustment respectively. Trish will be taking on a new Wellbeing leader role at a Melbourne school and Rosie will be joining another DOSCEL school as Learning Adjustment. Both of them will be missed by staff, students and families and I would like to thank them both for all that they have done for our community in their time here.
Staffing for 2025
The children spent time with their teachers for 2025 this morning and I am sure they can't wait to share this news with you. Our class structure for 2025 is as follows:
Foundation - Mrs Maddie Hastings (FH) and Mrs Malini Tyne (FT)
Grade 1 - Ms Colleen Kathard (1K) and Mr Sam Sempio (1S)
Grade 2 - Mrs Rebecca Jeffery (2J) and Miss Ha Rin Yoo (2Y)
Middles - Mrs Meghan Brockman and Mr Carlos Sanchez (MSB), Mrs Rosina Chandra and Mrs Sharon Evans (MCE) and Mr Andrew Orchard (MO)
Seniors - Miss Samantha Baillie (SB), Mrs Denise Essa (SE) and Miss Danielle Phillips (SP)
I know many of you have been wondering who will take on the roles that Trish and Rosie have held so I am pleased to share the following:
Learning Adjustment Leader - Mrs Rosina Chandra
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support - Miss Caitlin Hall
Mental Health Leader - Mrs Sharon Evans
Mrs Helen Hancock, Mrs Liz Szabo and Caitlin Hall will also be teaching a range of classes across the school throughout the week.
Further staff news will be shared in a newsletter at the end of next week.
Enjoy the next week, we're nearly there!
Felicity Broughton