Year 8 Humanities Fieldwork

Observing urbanisation in our neighbourhood
This term our Year 8 Humanities classes have been heading out on excursions to Nicholson Street, East Brunswick, to conduct their own firsthand fieldwork research.
Students have been learning about causes and consequences of urbanisiation during the term to enable them to understand and evaluate liveability. Prior to their fieldwork, students had to research and hypothesize on how Nicholson Street has changed over time in response to Melbourne’s growing population. They explored the area to see how the land is currently used and evaluate the use of space.
Whether it’s been a sunny 25 degrees or a slightly rainy 18, our students and classes have taken it in their stride and shown excellent embodiment of the school values whilst out on this excursion.
Photos from Zara Bonadio, 8H
Now they have participated in fieldwork and collected their own data and observations, they will use this and other evidence to present on their findings in a report.
Year 8 Humanities Team