Performing Arts


The foundation students have been focusing this term on practicing there singing voices, learning to stay in tune and in time with the music they are singing. 

This allows students to learn at a younger age what rhythm and tempo is and how they can sing along with the beat and stay in tune. 

The foundation students have also been learning to dance and sing at the same time, and learn to follow choreographed dances along with the music they are singing.


Grade 1/2: 

This week the Grade 1/2 students got to revise playing the xylophones. 

The students asked to play some more musical instruments, so this is what they got to do this week. 

The students started off with learning the basic songs and notes when it comes to playing the xylophone, then we picked up the tempo and attempted some songs which were harder and faster. 

Students had to learn to play in time with the beat, understand tempo and rhythm to help them complete this task.


Grade 3/4: 

This week the Grade 3/4 students have been participating in collaborative drama games to help them learn to work together to resolve problems that may arise when working in groups. 

These games have involved a lot of team work, and learning to work in groups with people you may not usually work with. 

These games have allowed students the chance to transform into characters they may not usually be, they had to use facial expressions, voice changes etc to participate and succeed in these games.


Grade 5/6: 

This week the Grade 5/6 students were given the opportunity to compete against the other classes in a line dancing completion. 

They learnt a new line dance to Copperhead Road and were given the chance to rehearse this as a class, then once they have learnt the dance they then had a go with the music. The class who learnt and memorised the dance best and had the most people participate were crowned the winners. 

Mr D’Antiono’s class ended up winning with a score of 9.5/10.