From the School Leadership Team

There have been so many exciting things happening at GGLPS and we have so much to look forward to.
Swimming: The 2/3T, 3/4R and 3/4FR classes have enjoyed swimming lessons this week, concluding on Thursday.
Exhibition: Our Year 6s showcased their amazing learning based on the central idea, ‘It is our responsibility to reflect on issues, express ideas and take action’. Students looked at different issues within specific Sustainable Development Goals. Issues ranged from the inequity of health services for remote and rural people to the benefits of renewable versus non-renewable energy. The students shared their learning confidently, reflecting on how we can bring about change to make our world a better place. We are so proud of the commitment of the students to their learning. Of particular note was the artworks that students created each week to reflect on the process they undertook as they continued to learn more.
You are invited to join us for a special chapel service this week which will be led by Pastor Chris Mann from Endeavour College. The Endeavour College band will also be joining us and we look forward to praising God with students from a member of our Connected Schools network.
Next week:
Remembrance Day will be celebrated on Monday, November 11th. This is a special time to remember those who have died or suffered while serving in conflicts.
Children’s University Graduation will be held on Tuesday, November 12th as students are acknowledged for their learning outside of the school walls. The graduates have taken part in a wide variety of service and learning experiences to broaden their understanding. Well done everyone!
Our Middle of Term breakfast will see eggs and bacon served for breakfast on Wednesday from 8am! Families are invited to join us and coffee from the Café will be available. MOT is such a wonderful time to eat and meet together. We look forward to seeing you!
The Connected Schools Athletics Day will be held on Wednesday. Hopefully, the athletes will be well sustained by having had MOT breakfast! Our squad of athletes will be traveling to St Albans Reserve, Clearview for the day. We wish them all the best!
A reminder that Friday, November 15th is a pupil free day. Staff will be undertaking training in a number of things as we continue to work towards best serving our students.
GGLPS undertakes a variety of tests across the school in a number areas of learning. These tests will be administered over Weeks 4 and 5. Teachers will be looking at areas of strength and risk in students learning, along with determining areas of growth. The data received allows us to analyse how individual students are tracking, along as reflecting on how we are teaching across the curriculum, identifying areas of success and areas of further development. Please talk to me if you would like to know more about how these tests can continue to improve our teaching and learning.
As we head towards the final weeks of the year, I urge you to take note of how parents can offer your input into your child’s schooling for 2025 as outlined later in the newsletter. The due date for this input is this coming Monday, November 11th.
Jayne Zadow
Director of PYP, Teaching and Learning