Year 1/2

Term 3 is flying by and we have had lots of fun activities and events so far...
Students have been enjoying writing narratives over the last few weeks. They have developed their characters, identified a setting and created a problem and resolution. In Sounds Write, we have been learning all about the different spellings the /l/ and /ee/ sounds can make.
Over the last few weeks, students have been exploring strategies for solving multiplication and division problems. They have demonstrated their understanding by making models, drawing pictures and creating arrays. Students have completed a Common Assessment Task on this topic which will be uploaded to Compass by the end of week 7.
This week has been full of magical reading adventures for our school as we've celebrated Book Week with the theme "Reading is Magic." Each day, the classes have dived into a different shortlisted book, followed by fun and engaging activities that brought the stories to life. One of the books that we have read is 'The Concrete Garden' by Bob Graham. On Thursday afternoon, the students had a go at creating their very own concrete garden.
It's been an incredible journey of imagination, creativity, and learning.
The highlight of our week will be the Book Week Parade on Friday, where students will showcase their favourite book-inspired costumes. After the parade, the entire school will embark on a special tour to visit each classroom and admire the amazing door displays that reflect the stories we've enjoyed throughout the week.
Potato Olympics
To celebrate the Olympics and the amazing efforts of our Australian athletes, the 1/2s decided to host their own Olympics - THE POTATO OLYMPICS!
The students were super excited to pick their athletes and design the perfect olympic uniform on their potato. They took part in an opening ceremony, where each country made their way around the Well-being Hub while we listened to their national anthems.
After lunch, the students took part in 6 different events to test the skills of their potatoes.
The events were; diving, distance, gymnastics, weightlifting, target and shot put.
To round out the days events, we had a closing ceremony where Miss Maccora joined us to present the gold, silver and bronze medals to our winners.
Feel free to pop into the Well-being Hub before or after school to check out our Potato Olympics display!
Reminder of Upcoming Events
Friday 30th August: Father's Day Stall
Thursday 5th September: Sovereign Hill excursion- the bus will be leaving promptly at 9am to ensure we can maximise our time spent at Sovereign Hill. Please arrive at school no later than 8:50am. Further information regarding lunch and clothing, will be sent next week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Grade 1/2 teachers
Maddi Rhodes, Brie White, Jess Jones, Mik Vawdrey, Alice Warburton