Moriac Stars
This term we have celebrated so many student stars at Moriac where students have displayed our core values in and around our school.
Students have the opportunity to come to the admin office when they receive a star award from their teachers and enter their name in our jar.
In addition, depending on the award, students can select a prize from the prize tub linked to the level of award- Bronze, Silver and Gold!
Students names that are placed in our Moriac Stars jar then are in the draw for each assembly where Mr Moriac Star himself draws out names with our student leaders to celebrate those students on another level.
Students selected from the jar are invited to a hot chip lunch at the end of each term to acknowledge their award and allow them to enjoy something extra special.
This term so far the students that have received an aware are list below-
*Charlie, 56B - For being RESPECTFUL and listening to the teacher
*Gus, 12C - For being EXCEPTIONAL and making the best French Mascot
*Kaitlyn, 56B - For being EXCEPTIONAL and completing amazing maths work
*Tom, 56A - For being RESPONSIBLE and ready to learn
*Indi, Prep A - For being RESPECTFUL and showing kindness to everyone in the classroom and yard
*Billie, Prep A - For being RESPECTFUL to others
*Ned, Prep A - For being RESPONSIBLE and trying his best
*Emmett, 12B - For being RESPECTFUL to other classmates
*Harry, 56A - For being RESPONSIBLE for his learning
*James, 56B - For being RESPECTFUL to other students
*Leo, Prep A - For be RESPONSIBLE and trying his best in writing
*Jaimee, 34B - For being RESPONSIBLE and trying her best in class