Year 9 Feature

Who can believe we are over half way through the year? Semester one saw Year 9 step up in terms of their application to their studies. This saw numerous conversations being had about the importance of ‘balance’ and ‘time management’ and around ‘stress’ and why it is not always a bad thing. We will continue to work with the girls on getting these things right here at the college and we encourage our parents to have these conversations also.
In Semester one Year 9 students actively participated in our Reflection day. The girls identified what qualities made a hero. They were then able to discover that they too had many hero-like qualities and that they were capable of creating the change in our world that is needed for a more kind and just society.
Semester two has started with a bang! Year 9 has had many diverse learning opportunities in these few short weeks. In Religion, students are studying the ‘Eucharist as Living Prayer’ and have examined the importance of meals in the Bible and the role of food in nourishing the physical body as faith too nourishes the person. While in Music the girls are studying musicals through the decades and will work on creating their own mini musical. Be sure to ask your daughter for a performance! In PDHPE, the girls are looking at Body Image, which we all know is very relevant at this age. Please open the conversation around this topic for your daughter. Geography students are looking into Sustainable Biomes. Japanese students are learning to discuss hobbies and practising their conversation skills in preparation for their excursion to Nihongo Tanken Centre. Year 9 Elective History has just embarked on a topic about Spies. They started by attempting an escape room using spy techniques including decoding secret messages and working out puzzles with cryptic information. It sounds very intriguing, ask your daughter if she was able to escape! Year 9 English is focused on looking at how experiences of tolerance and intolerance are represented in texts. Dance students are embarking on creating their own Composition performances. PASS students are looking at Body systems and are currently learning about the skeletal system and its role in physical activity. They are all looking forward to their upcoming PASS camp where they will hike and sleep in a tent - I wish I was attending! Food technology students are knee deep in learning about nutrition, with a focus on nutrition for people with specific needs. Be sure to ask your daughters to cook you gluten-free brownies or butterless butter chicken. While in Mathematics (their favourite subject) our students have been delving into probability and quadratic expressions. It has been fabulous!
Year 9 students have continued to shine in various sports. We have had representatives on the college Cross Country, Soccer, Netball and Oz tag teams. A number of year 9 students also represented the college in our various dance troupes. They are to be congratulated.
Our wonderful Year 9 students have continued to add to their service hours in a number of ways. Some students have served by assisting in the canteen and in the library. We also had students volunteer to help at the 50th Anniversary celebration. Many Year 9 students have brought in scarves to support the Vinnies Winter Appeal. I encourage our Year 9 students to continue to look for ways to serve others.
I am sure this term will be filled with many more wonderful learning opportunities. I look forward to sharing them with your daughter.
Mrs Natasha Harper
Leader of Learning Year 9