KLA Feature - HSIE

To kick start the term the Year 12 Legal Studies students attended HSC revision sessions with the Legal Studies Association on Saturday 27 July which aided their preparation for the Trial examinations. I’m sure that the students’ diligence will be advantageous in their exam this coming Friday - we wish them well.
Ms Esler and her Year 11 Ancient History students shared the excitement of their work on ancient societies with the rest of us by displaying a museum exhibition of a replica of Otzi the Iceman and some amphora (Greek pots) that they had decorated, broken, buried, excavated, and then reconstructed! This allowed them to simulate the work of archaeologists while learning about ancient cultures. Ms Esler’s enthusiasm for ancient history and some encouragement from Mrs Cairns added to this great learning experience.
Near the end of last term Mrs Lentini assisted six Year 11 students who participated in the Rotary Model United Nations Assembly across a weekend. Amy Jarukrut, Sophie McLaughlin & Annelise Su'a participated as representatives for Poland and Prisha Trapasiya, Turya Nikumbh and Raina Mary Rogy were representatives for Switzerland. The students debated a range of international political and humanitarian issues while making some alliances with various other nation states. We thank Rotary for this wonderful opportunity.
Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 have jumped into Geography and will be applying their geography skills this semester - mapping, directions, latitude and longitude, bearings and many other essential skills will be studied, along with important human geography issues such as population issues, equitable access to clean water and the interaction of humans and their environment across various biomes.
Mrs Natalie Vella
Leader of Learning HSIE