
Indonesian Day / Hari Indonesia

Hari Indonesia is an annual whole-school event that we celebrate through games, craft and a cultural incursion as part of our EHPS specialist program.

This year, we celebrated our Hari Indonesia on Wednesday 14 August which fell on the week of Indonesian Independence Day. Students were immersed in Indonesian culture through classic Independence Day games, craft, and an incursion from a world-renowned Indonesian dance group, Suara Indonesia. The dance company has performed at a number of national and international festivals as well as conducting workshops in schools and universities.

Students also took part in class decorating activity and lolly guessing competition to raise funds for Orangutan Foundation International. The donation helps to make a big difference in the survival of individual orangutans at their Care Centres, critically endangered wild orangutan populations, and the preservation of their tropical rainforest habitat.

In the lead up to this exciting day, students took part in a poster competition held by the Indonesian Embassy and VILTA to commemorate 79th Indonesian Independence Day. Three EHPS students achieved top three positions in their respective year levels and took home the winning prize.

Max L - Prep
Nia A - Year 2
Amber & Rebecca - Year 3
Max L - Prep
Nia A - Year 2
Amber & Rebecca - Year 3

The day concluded with a whole-school assembly which attended by parents and guardians. The assembly included performances from selected students accompanied by Suara Indonesia and performances from the 2024 winners of Sayembara Lisan speaking competition.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the celebration, and it allows the students to further explore the Indonesian culture as part of our Indonesian language and cultural program.

Terima kasih!

Bu Gladys

(Gladys Wangke)