Learning and Teaching 

 Steve Sirrals

On Friday 9th August, staff had a Professional Learning Day. The focus of this day was on Checking for Understanding and Regulation & Co-regulation in our classrooms.


A range of student leaders were involved in this day, learning alongside staff and finding spaces to share their input and perspectives.


Morning Sessions

Checking for Understanding is an instructional process that involves teachers systemically checking for what has been learnt. It’s the acknowledgement that we can’t assume students have understood words, topics, concepts, explanations or procedures unless we get some feedback from all of them, telling us what they have understood.

The information we receive from checking should inform the next steps in the learning sequence; re-teaching content, or moving on to new learning. This was a significant focus on the day as we build upon our previous learning last term; how we respond during a lesson when we know the level of student understanding.


Middle session

Staff shared their expertise and previous external and internal professional learning with colleagues through a range of targeted mini sessions.

Student leaders had the opportunity to work directly with Ms McClure, Assistant Principal for Wellbeing and Engagement, during this time, by providing feedback on their experiences regarding safety and bullying at Woodmans Hill Secondary College.


Afternoon sessions

In the afternoon session staff and students participated in learning skills in self-regulation and co-regulation, alongside staff. These skills are important to coping with every day stresses and build their own resilience.

Students learnt valuable strategies that they will are to apply in their learning and everyday lives.

In 2024 at Woodmans Hill, we have redesigned the way we are delivering professional learning. We want to include students in the learning, and co-design ways for our students to have influence on our key focuses. 


Our Year 12 scored VCE students also attended the day working with Ms Sharkey and Ms Crace in an English Masterclass for the day, to best prepare them for upcoming assessments.