Education in Faith

Mini Vinnie's Winter Appeal - Thank you!
After another successful year of collecting toilerty donations this winter, our local St Vincent De Paul Society has sent us a letter of appreciation and gratitude for our contributions to helping families within our community!
See below photos of their newly filled shelves with a thank you to our school community.
Dear Students, Families and Staff of St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop PS,
Re: Winter Toiletries Appeal 2024
We wish to thank you for all the effort you put into collecting toiletries for our St. Vincent de Paul Conference this winter.
This year has been a particularly difficult time for many families and your gifts have been a great help to them. We thank you on their behalf.
We know that it takes great effort to organise collections such as these and we thank the staff for supervising the collection, the students for the energy and spirit given to the task and families for supplying the donations and support.
Without the support of our schools and parishioners there would be less assistance that we could give to the families in need.
May God bless you all.
Yours sincerely,
Epping Conference
St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria
Parish Mass
Tomorrow, we celebrate Mass with our Year 4 students. Family and the community are invited to join us at 12pm in our Sacred Space.
Next Friday, 30th August, our Year 3 students will celebrate Mass. We hope to see you there!
Education in Faith Leader