Principals Report

by Helen Freeman

Foundation 2025 Transition

Exciting times! Yesterday we welcomed our Foundation students for 2025 to their first transition session. The theme for the afternoon was ‘Play with Clay’. They were all extremely excited and bubbling with enthusiasm. We look forward to having them all return on Wednesday 30th October when the theme will be ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

Father’s Day

The Father’s Day stall was a huge success, the students, especially our little ones were fun to watch as they deliberated over which gift to purchase for their special person. I hope all our dads enjoyed the uniquely decorated bag that your gift came in on the Sunday, this was completed as part of their art lesson leading up to the stall. Thanks, to Mrs Threadgold for organising this. The winner of the special Father’s Day raffle was Evan from 3W.  The raffle itself raised $393 and the stall approximately $1,100.

Working Bee

We had a great roll up to the working bee on Sunday. It is always satisfying on the Monday morning to see the school grounds looking so neat and tidy. The addition of the new softfall under the play equipment makes such a difference. A huge thank you to all the wonderful families who were able to attend.

District Athletics

On Friday we had a number of students representing SSPS at the District Athletics meet at the Bill Stewart Athletics track in East Burwood. All the students did an amazing job competing in the competition. Unfortunately, due to time constraints the relay teams and the students in the 800-metre running event could not compete and will be heading off tomorrow morning to complete their events.


There will be a number of students heading off to the next stage of the competition which is the Divisional Athletics meet on the 19th of October. This list will be finalised after tomorrows results. 


Congratulations to our Aerobics Team who successfully competed in the FISAF National Championships at the Gold Coast. I was lucky enough to be there and witness the students all achieve their personal best. Our Year 6 Fitness, Year 5/6 boys and our Year 4 girl’s teams all won Gold and the Year 3 girls and the Year 5/6 girl’s teams both won bronze.  In addition, the aerobics team was presented with the FISAF Australia 2024, School Stream, ‘Spirit and Sportsmanship Award’.  Go Syndal!!

Have a great fortnight.




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