From the Principal

Dear Families,


It has been a wonderful week at Galilee with lots of learning and a celebration of Book Week. For those who don't know, I have spent a significant period of time away, from physical injuries incurred in a bicycle crash in 2023. Over the last couple of months, I have been transitioning back to work as my condition improved. This is my first full week back at school as Principal of Galilee and I am thrilled to be here. I would like to thank and acknowledge Amy Burns who has done a fabulous job as Acting Principal in my absence. I would also like to thank the supportive comments I have received from students, staff and parents over the journey. I look forward to seeing everyone more regularly as we work together in partnership for the education of the students.


Sad News

Earlier this week we received the very sad news that our long term Crossing Supervisor, Noel Geier passed away suddenly overnight. Noel was a kind man who loved to talk to everyone. He particularly liked talking about his favourite AFL team, Collingwood. The correspondence sent home had some resources/ideas on how to discuss it with your child/ren. I spoke to Noel's wife Sue and she mentioned how much he loved coming to Galilee each day and how he felt a part of our community. Flowers have been sent to Noel's family. The family has requested that funeral details be kept private. 

Please keep Noel and his family in your prayers.


Father's Day

We will be celebrating Father's Day on Friday August 30 with the following events:

  • Fathers Day breakfast starting at 7:30am with sausages, bacon/egg rolls and drinks
  • Footy colours attire with an arrangement of  activities for the children
  • Mass at 9:30am 
  • Evening at Central Club Hotel (further information in the Community section) - this event will be a very special night

Major Fundraiser

We held a highly successful major fundraiser on Saturday August 10.  Thankyou to the families and sponsors who helped to raise over $26,000 and also to our GPA including Jodie, Nat and Rachel.

These valuable funds will go directly to the purchase of new iPads and resources for the Wellbeing Hub.

Our incredible sponsors can be seen in the Community section of this newsletter.


Sacrament of Confirmation

We would like to congratulate our Year 6 students who participated in the Sacrament of Confirmation two weeks ago. The church was full of families and members of staff to witness the special occasion.


On Sunday 11th of August, the year sixes received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation is when a student chooses a saints name and we confirm our baptismal promises. 

We received the Holy Chrism, we also had sections of readings in the front of the church. Bishop Tony asked us questions during the confirmation and after this, all the grade sixes received our certificates of confirmation. 

I can safely say, all the year sixes had a great experience. Thank you to Father Paul, Father John, Bishop Tony, Mr Pensini and Mr Edwards. 


Querey Year 6 



Student Free School Closure Day is on Friday 16th August

Last week the staff were fortunate enough to have professional learning presented by Rev. Dr Elio Capra (Elio). He took us on a day of spiritual reflection.  Elio used art work depicting the life of Jesus to inspire us to reflect upon on our faith journey.


Book Week at Galilee 

 On Monday the 12th of August, we held a parade with students and staff, displaying a love of books.  The celebration continued with a Drama Performance about some of the nominated Book Week books, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the students. Year 6 students went to the State Library.



Please take the time to read our Galilee Uniform Policy attached below. 

Thankyou to the many families who are ensuring their children are dressed in the correct uniform each day.

Why do we have a Uniform Policy?

  • It helps to create a sense of identity (a place where we belong)
  • It represents our history as a school
  • By following the policy you are showing your child you value the school they attend each day
  • We showcase our amazing students when representing our school in the wider community
  • It requires discipline and organisation
  • Our uniform design was chosen by a selection of students, staff and parents to reflect who we are
  • Policies create greater clarity and structure for all

While almost all students follow the Uniform Policy (on school website) correctly, I recommend families familarise themselves with it. Some areas for clarification are: the wearing of the correct plain colour sock, leather shoes (Winter/Summer uniform) and the school jumper (Winter/Summer only). The school jumper cannot be worn with the Sport Uniform, Socks should be in the correct colour without a visible logo and full upper leather shoes should be worn.


We understand that circumstances occur wear a child will be in the incorrect uniform-please send a message to your child's teacher in this circumstance.


Please note that the school will continue to support those who cannot financially afford the uniform.





Staffing News


We are delighted to announce that we have four new members of staff who have commenced at Galilee. All four staff have joined our Learning Support Team to work with students with additional needs and supporting classrooms. All staff have settled in quickly and begun to develop an excellent rapport with the students.

The new staff are: 

  • Kelsey Gan
  • Valentina Rodriguez
  • Jade Baynes
  • Mohammad Moneer

Staff currently on Long Service Leave: Amy Burns, Rosa, Rachel Leahy & Linda Florenca-Grillo. 


We wish you every blessing in the coming weeks,


Simon Millar