RE News
Father's Day Mass - Friday 30th August - 9am
All of our Fathers, Grandfathers and Father Figures in our lives are invited to join us for Mass on Friday 30th August at 9am. We cannot wait to see you there.
Happy Father's Day for Sunday 1st September
First Holy Communion
Many of our students are currently preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. We pray for all of our students who are currently preparing for this important sacrament and look forward to celebrating with our students and their families on the 14th and 15th September and 21st and 22nd September.
Vinnies Winter Sleepout and Pyjama Day - 13/9/24
On Friday 13th September we will be holding our School Vinnies Winter sleep out. Students in Years 4-6 are invited to join us along with their parent/s. The sleepout will occur from 6-8pm. During this time we will discuss homelessness and the vulnerable in our community. We will also spend some time making 'snack packs' for the Vinnies vans to take out and share with our local community in need.
All students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school on this day - along with appropriate footwear for the playground. Students will still need to bring a hat to school (it does not have to be their school hat).
Please deliver your donations to the Library before school.
Liturgical Calendar
Together we 'Grow in Strength',
Nicole Moss
Religious Education Coordinator
Family Educator News
Nano's Lanterns - Community Meal Service
Come & Play...