Years F & 1

Last week the F/1/2s worked on creating an art piece for dad for Father’s Day. Each student got a piece of cardboard and they decorated some rocks to make it look like dad. At the top we wrote ‘My Dad Rocks’. The students all worked really hard on them and were talking all about what dad looks like. Hopefully they all made it home in one piece.

In MARC a couple of weeks ago the students read the story ‘can you teach a fish to climb a tree’. It is quite an engaging book highlighting things animals can’t but also reminding us of all the wonderful things they can do. Afterwards they all created their very own fish. They were quite effective. 

The students this week have been looking at length. We have used paper strips as an informal unit of measurement to compare the lengths of different items. They put them in order from smallest to largest and could identify the smallest or the largest object. We had a go at using paperclips as another informal unit of measurement. We experimented using string and they were thrown a real challenge trying to find something the same length as their string.