News from Foundation

Over the past two weeks, the Foundation students have been learning about measurement! Last week they explored length- whether something was tall, short or long. In the classroom, they enjoyed measuring and comparing the sizes of different objects! In the sunny weather, we had last week, the Foundations used chalk to draw lines outside and compared how long their lines were using natural materials such as leaves and sticks. In pairs, they traced each other's shadows and measured themselves to see if they were longer or shorter than their shadows.
This week they have been looking at Mass and how much things weigh! In the classroom, they have been using 'Hefting' to compare the weight of two different objects to see which ones were heavier and what was lighter.
This term in Inquiry, we are learning about Puppets! Last week the Foundations spoke about what puppets are and what they can be made out of! Last week they looked at the story 'Red Riding Hood' and created some paper stick puppets!
Book Week Fun
We loved celebrating Book Week this week!
Here are our costumes!
This week the F/1/2 students had a special visit from students at Upper Yarra Secondary College. As part of their literacy work, the UYSC students wrote and made their own picture storybooks. They enjoyed reading and sharing them with the F/1/2 students! They also read a storybook about a boy who was deaf and the UYSC students taught the F/1/2's how to say their names in Auslan.