Physical Education

St Joseph's Mini Olympics
What a great event our mini olympics were. It was great to see all the students so involved in our big range of sports.
Lots of photos from the day are on the St Joe's facebook page.
Here are some thoughts from the students;
By Mackenzie and Summer Year 5
On August 16, we had our mini olympics. All of us students came to school in an outfit dedicated to our house colour.
To start off the day the we did a dance. We had been practicing the dance for a few days in morning fitness.
Then we moved into the first sport of the day. Foundation and grade 1s did hobby horsing, grade 2s did scooter boards, 3/4s did break dancing, grade 5's did gymnastics and year 6's did archery.
We asked some students their favourite thing about that sport,
Preps and Grade 1 what they thought about hobby horsing.
Lexie - the jumps were really fun!
Braxton - I liked all of it
Oscar - jumping and running
Ally - Jumping over the jumps
Grade 2's what they thought about scooter boarding
Belle - I got to sit on the board and I got to roll and spin
Liam - I got to spin
3/4's Break Dancing
Will - I got second and it was very fun
Liliana - I got to do easy dances
5's Gymnastics
Sam - doing front flips onto the mat
Annabelle - doing the performances
6's Archery
Jack - just shooting the arrow
Maggie - hitting a bullseye
It's on!
Monday, September 9 at Kilysth Basketball Stadium.
For Years 3/4/5/6
Check Operoo for details