Student Awards

Student of the Week

26 August 2024


For showing massive growth with learning the 100 Most Commonly Used Words and improvement in his reading ability. You are a superstar Eric!



For his focus during note taking and writing tasks, and for his ability to stay on task during independent research. Terrific, Tom!



For making excellent progress on her automatic recall of times tables. Excellent work!



For working hard to maintain his focus during maths sessions resulting in a greater understanding of decimals and fractions. Awesome effort Marcus!



For articulating his thinking clearly when solving challenging maths problems. Keep up the great work, Ethan!



For constantly questioning ideas and accepting challenges in order to further his knowledge. Excellent work, Diwas!


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 5/6A

For improving their conjugation of French verbs ending in ER, in the present tense. Well done everyone!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For completing your Health or Physical Education projects at a very high standard and encouraging your classmates with their projects. Well done!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 3/4L ~

For their enthusiastic approach and displaying wonderful teamwork skills during kitchen sessions. Keep up the great work!


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 2  ~

For their improved focus when completing their glass jars, and using their imaginations! Well done.


Performing Arts Specialist Award PREP/1  ~

For sharing their knowledge about how sounds are made, and being careful and gentle when using the glockenspiels. Good job Prep/1!



2 September 2024


For improving the quality and length of his writing, including extending his sentences with extra details and correctly using a wider range of punctuation.



For trying his best to support and help classmates who are upset. You keep an eye out for your friends, Ashwanth, and that is vey admirable. 



For demonstrating increased confidence when reading aloud. Your fluency and expression are improving rapidly, it is fantastic to see you enjoying your reading Jasmine!



For an amazing improvement in focus in both Maths and writing classes. If is fantastic to see your enthusiasm in class Zahara!



For perservering with your fractions work - always checking for understanding, and working consistently to complete all work. Well done Mack.



For challenging himself and adding detail to his writing.



For participating well in class discussions, always with a positive attitude. You also helped others with their work on fractions! Great job Aaliyah!


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 3/4L

For helping each other to write the conjugation of verb 'être' (to be) in the present tense. Great cooperation Grade 3/4L!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 2  ~

For listening carefully to the hockey coach and working well in teams. Keep it up, Grade 2!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S ~

For working cooperatively when investigating their electrical questions. Well done!


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 3/4C  ~

For being resilient and persistent,  and keen to take risks in art, even when the results aren’t what we expect.


Performing Arts Specialist Award ALL STATE SCHOOL SPECTACULAR PEOPLE ~

For your focus, beautiful manners and hard work during our excursion to Melbourne Town Hall. Fantastic job everyone!