Seedlings@ Whitehorse

Potato Olympics
We finished our potato Olympics with a final event - skateboarding! Other events included diving, bowling, and shot put. All potato athletes were able to place either bronze, silver or gold. The potato athletes survived without too many googly eyes lost!
Book Week
We got to celebrate book week by dressing up in our favourite book characters and we even acted out the story about The Hungry Caterpillar. Our grade 5/6 buddies came to cheer us on in our mini parade in the Kinder yard.
School Visit
Our kinder friends enjoyed visiting the foundation mini town where some imaginative shopping took place. We had a sneak peek at the fire engine that visited the foundation children and we got to see the foundation children have a turn of the hose that created rainbows on the oval.
We have been exploring colours and how we can make new ones by mixing a variety of primary colours. Another part of our learning has been working in small groups on focused activities. Seedlings children get to practice sitting at tables participating in some tasks just like they will when they go to school. These tasks are centred around the resilience project and we are currently learning about gratitude.
We have enjoyed exploring our local area on our Community Walks. We have been lucky to see lots of local wildlife including many beautiful native birds, as well as observing lots of insets. This has led to our discussions at group times about the promise they make when we say our Acknowledgement of Country to look after the plants and animals.