What's on in 1/2

BOOK WEEK Reading is Magic
Last week, 17-23 August was book week. Our favourite time of the year…when we get to celebrate books and reading. We had many events during the week including the Scholastic Book Fair and dressing up as your favourite character. Thank you to all the parents and teachers that supported our young authors during this week.
Book Fair
Thank you so much for all your support with this year's book fair. We receive a percentage of the sales which will be spent on more books for our library. It was wonderful to see our students so enthusiastic about books and reading. Miss Henderson and Mrs Terrenzani are currently finalising the orders and they should arrive at school soon.
Book Week Dress Up
It was truly magical to see all the students dressed up as their favourite characters. Although it did ‘rain on our parade’, the students were still able to show off their costumes. We went and visited other grades throughout the school, admiring each other's outfits and guessing who was who. It was such a hoot!
Open Morning – Parent Visitors
As a part of Book Week, the school was open on Tuesday morning for mums and dads to celebrate literacy with their children in the classroom. After spending some time admiring our costumes and solving the puzzle of which book they are from, the children proudly shared their literacy skills…reading their favourite book to their family, writing stories and confidently sharing them to their friends. It was so exciting to see many parents come to the open morning. We love sharing the children’s success and our (the students’ and teachers’) love of literacy.
MiniBeast Writing
As previously stated in earlier newsletters, this term the students have been studying minibeasts…worms, ants, butterflies etc, that can be found in our backyard. Whilst learning about minibeasts we are exploring non fiction books (we are loving Philip Bunting’s mixture of humour and facts in his books) and information reports. The students have been using their new found knowledge to create their own information reports. Some have chosen to write in the form of a poem, others from the perspective of the animals and others added a pinch of humour. Enjoy some examples of these…
Would you like to come face to face with a quadrillion earthworms? Probably not. Well earthworms are not disgusting, think of them as heroes! Because they make soil. No soil no plants, No, plants… NO YOU. They feel delicate but are strong too.
By Ava
I saw a tiny little black dot scattering across the floor. It was very fast!
It came up my legs then up my body it tickled, but then it kept climbing up on its way.
I had a few leftovers on my t-shirt and the ant ate it up.
I think the ant liked it a lot.
Ants like eating corn crackers and peas.
By Ellie
Crawling on the surface was a tiny black dot.
There was a darting insect with a small crumb on the back of its thorax.
The ant dashed back to its friends.
By Andrew
Have you ever wondered what these squirmy little creatures can do? Well now you might discover something new about these heartless little mud munching earthworms. They absorb oxygen through their bloodstream, it’s incredible, right! They don’t breathe like us Humans! They live in every continent except Antarctica. These little worms chomp there way through the moist soil, not like us we eat proper food. Worms eat rotten disgusting fruit/scraps, they certainly eat most soil. Their skin is as smooth as a pebble and as soggy as a wet sandwich.
By Justin L
How would you like to go on an adventure to see some earthworms? Well, I definitely want to! I can hear them munching and crushing away in the wet soil. You and me probably think that dirt is disgusting but to worms it is treasure. The largest earthworm’s eggs can take one year to hatch. When it finally hatches it is about 20 meters long.
By Flic
Would you like to meet the longest minibeast? If you do, you would need to look underground. Because they stay moist and the underground is wet. They like to eat mud. Mud is like treasure to them. When a person stands on the soil, they try to munch away because they think it’s a bird. Can you guess what it is? It’s an earthworm.
By Marcie
Boom! Boom! Boom! Stevie was wary that a human was nearby. He passed on the news feeler to feeler. The ants didn’t want to leave their nest but they had too. So Stevie dug a hole and the other ants followed behind him. They’ve been digging for a while so they decided to start from scratch and build a new nest. Room after room it expanded into the best ant nest. Stevie likes to stroll around the nest. He has a new job which is to wake up all the ants. He gets to scream’ Wake Up!’ He also looks for food that the colony needs for survival.
By Hunter
Math… Multiplication
This term, our mathematicians have been exploring multiplication and division amongst other concepts and mathematical big ideas. They have been exploring the meaning of multiplying and how it relates to the real world. We have searched the classrooms for groups of items, looking at how images on wrapping paper are grouped together and we also went on an array hunt in books and in the yard… looking for patterns of rows and columns.