What's on in 3/4

We love seeing our Year 1/2 buddies! We enjoy a variety of activities with them- buddy reading, writing, craft, maths games and building, to name a few! It’s great to make connections with students across the school and share our learning with them.
BOOK WEEK - Reading is Magic!
Although the weather was not favourable for our whole-school Book Week Parade, we were still able to visit other year levels and vice versa. The students loved seeing their buddies in their favourite book character costumes, with many squeals of joy and chatter between them.
The Year 3/4 students also enjoyed the opportunity to create their own persuasive posters about their ‘All-Time Favourite Book.’ Sharing these with their 1/2 buddies was also a highlight.
With the beautiful weather upon us, we are taking the opportunity to take our maths learning outside the classroom. This week, we have been learning some new maths games that help to consolidate our multiplication strategies. It was great to work with students from a different grade to further extend our connections with other students.