Primary School News
Book Week activities
Primary School News
Book Week activities
It was great to see so many parents and friends at the recent Quiz Night. Our P&F, lead on this occasion by Michele Dalton, did an incredible job of organising this event which was a lot of fun! An Eagles premiership poster now hangs proudly in my office, a victory in the silent auction where there were many amazing items to bid on. A huge amount of money was raised - over $14,000!
It has been lovely to see parent participation and involvement around the School of late, with parent help in classes and for our athletics pre-carnival events to special family members being celebrated as part of our Fathers' Day activities this week.
Next week is Education Assistant Appreciation Week. Whilst the teaching staff may have some lovely surprises in store, it would be great for the gratitude to come from students and families too. Don't forget you are always welcome to grab a Gratitude Certificate from either Reception and post it, drop a message through SEQTA or stop by to say thanks in person. It is amazing how a little gratitude changes someone's day!
There is always lots to hear about so I will wish everyone a wonderful weekend and let the students and staff share the good news below.
Tracey Rogers
Head of Primary
On the fantastic Friday of Week Six, we celebrated Book Week by dressing up as our favourite book characters. The fun kicked off on Monday with a week full of exciting activities. From crafting colourful bookmarks to magical fairy wands with colourful pencils to adding a lot of glitter, it was a magical week with a book-inspired day!
At the Book Week assembly, we were excited for the amazing Gruffalo tale followed by the pantomime that had us on the edge of our seats, featuring the epic adventures of Koala Lou.
The effort everyone put into this year’s Book Week celebrations was incredible, from the huge blow-up dinosaurs to the simple homemade costumes, we all enjoyed this amazing day. Different year groups of teachers all had a theme to go by, for example the ELC teachers were ‘Zog’, and the Year Four teachers were ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
All classes got assigned a year group to read with. After the assembly we came back to our class and then read to our younger buddies.
Charli Duthi and Bryden Sexton
Year 6 Class Reps
In Weeks 5 and 6, our Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 2 students ventured off to swimming lessons. For some of our Pre-Primary students this was their first time doing swimming lessons. Apprehension met bravery and the children shone as risk-takers as they gave this new activity a go. For many students, the highlight was the bus trip each day. For others, it was the proudness they felt as they mastered new skills such as floating on their backs or learning to breathe to the side as they mastered their freestyle. For others, the challenge was managing their belongings each day or learning to change themselves without mum or dad there to support them. It was a tiring two weeks for the children but every day they wore their biggest smiles to school, predicting what they may learn at swimming on that day.
The children should be extremely proud of the way in which they conducted themselves and represented our school.
Melissa Cumming
Early Years Coordinator