Literacy & Numeracy Update 

Mr Andrew Ericksen

Since the last Literacy and Numeracy update there have been a number of developments across the College.  NAPLAN results have been released to families which has enabled the College to identify students who require extra assistance in Mathematics and English.  These students will be receiving assistance from tutors in small groups during these core subjects.  In a staff meeting this data was scrutinised and compared to local and national trends in NAPLAN achievement. 


Throughout this year, a small group of staff have been undergoing Professional Development at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.  Paul Rycroft, Lisa Dunne and myself have been learning about the latest developments and effective strategies for teaching vocabulary, reading and writing.  Throughout this course, we will develop a whole-school strategy to implement in 2025 in order to improve student learning and outcomes. 


Finally, each domain area has been receiving customised Professional Development on the Reading & Literacy framework during after-school meetings.  This framework was developed by the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (CATE) after years of research across dozens of schools, hundreds of teachers and thousands of students.  As a part of this framework, there are twenty-five different strategies which can be employed during different phases of learning in order to maximise student learning and engagement.  While Greensborough College already utilises a number of these strategies across classes, it has been a positive to align them with the framework.