From the Art Room

It has been a very busy term in the art room. As always, it is a hive of activity with amazing projects created by all grade levels.
The Preps, Ones, and Two/Threes have been exploring collage. The Preps designed their homes using paper collage. The Ones selected appropriate materials to create a desert jungle inspired by Jeannie Baker’s book. The Two/Threes created cubist style clowns.
These grades also enthusiastically dramatized traditional and dreamtime stories. They worked in small groups to create their puppets and props. Then we were entertained by their performances.
The Four/Fives and Sixes went back in time and researched Ancient Egyptian art. They designed their own canopic jars using patterns, colours and symbols from Ancient Egypt.
These grades were also inspired with creating their own watercolour, landscape paintings based on Jess Racklyeft’s book ‘Australia: Country of Colour’. Students explored different watercolour techniques and their paintings look stunning as part of our book week display.