A Message from David & Cam...

Another Amazing Term!
An exceptionally busy Term 3 is coming to an end. Term 3 always seems to fly and this year was no exception as we packed in so many activities and events for our students. This includes the upcoming first camping experience for our Grade 2 students, a wonderful camping experience for our Grade 4 students, a whole range of sporting events, a fabulous Book Week with an upcoming parade for the whole community and many different excursions and incursions that authentically complement the wonderful curriculum programs that have been taught across the school.
Term 3 has also seen substantial growth in our students from an academic and social perspective. Our students continue to thrive and we are very proud of our students as they uphold and display our KEFAR values in and out of the classroom. We have recently had some teachers from other schools visit us to observe our Early Years Literacy Program and they commented on the very respectful nature of our students!
We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to our whole school community for a great term. We always feel so fortunate to be part of such a positive and supportive environment that works together to support our students - THANK YOU!!
Father's & Special Person's Day
We recently celebrated Father's Day and welcomed our fathers and other special visitors into our school to spend some quality time with their child/ren. It was a lovely afternoon and it was great to see so many people turn up on the day. We really value these days and they are extremely important to our school community, however, they simply would not happen without our wonderful volunteers. A huge thank you to everyone who helped organise the day and the happy faces from our students, dads & special people makes all of the hard work worthwhile. The 'tough dadda' challenges were a hit! Thank you!
Book Week
This week is Book Week and the school has been buzzing with excitement. Book Week promotes a love of reading and our staff and students have really embraced the week. There has been Storytime in the BER whereby staff have been reading books, a Book Sale, fabulous student-created door displays and a Book Week performance on Thursday. As always, a highlight will be our Book Week parade - and we are looking forward to seeing what costumes our students (and staff!) will be wearing on the day.
We would like to thank all the parents and carers and staff for supporting this event and making it the wonderful event that it is. We would also like to acknowledge and thank Carly, along with the library leaders and monitors who have worked tirelessly in the planning, preparation and running of the parade. We are sure it will be fabulous!
Door displays:
The Book Week incursion:
Book Sale:
Sarah and the JSC have been running the book sale all week. The sale has been a huge success and they have raised a $263 with all funds raised going to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Great work JSC and thanks to everyone who supported this.
P.E. News
Division Athletics Carnival 2024
On Tuesday, a number of our talented athletes competed at the Divsision Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to all the students who tried their best at either individual and/or team sports events on the day and a special thanks to Zach who has put in a lot of time and effort into the Athletics Program in Nancy's absence - Thanks Zach!
A huge congratulations to the following students on their personal achievements:
- Zoe Vaughan for 100m and Long Jump
- Elizabeth Gliguroski for High Jump
- Charlotte Meadon for Shot Put
- Joseph Uluakiahoia for Triple Jump
- Ruben Harris for Discus and Shot Put
- Jensen Wheeler for 800m and 1500m
We wish these students well as they progress to the Western Metropolitan District Athletics Competition in October.
A great effort by all these students - well done!
Year 4 - Camp Allambee
Last week, grade 4 students travelled to West Gippsland for 3 days of fabulous fun at Camp Allambee. Despite some initial nervousness at being away from home, all students settled into their cabins quickly and soon acclimatised to the camp environment. Well-fuelled by the never-ending supply of lasagne, chicken parmigiana, cheeseburgers, tacos, cereal, toast, pancakes, hash browns and more fruit and cake than we could possibly eat, everyone engaged in the fun and exciting activity program, which promoted teamwork, friendship and our KEFAR values. It was a joy to see so many students conquering their fears on the giant swing and flying fox, challenging themselves on billy cart hill and the nine metre vertical climb, emulating Robin Hood on the archery range, and working together to complete the orienteering course and build sturdy huts out of logs and sticks. The night walk and movie evening were great ways to round off each day, and everyone agreed that the camp was a resounding success.
Year 6 - Canberra Camp
Grade 6 students will be undertaking an education tour of the national capital in week 1 of Term 4. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the camp the Australian Government is contributing funding to our school of $45 per child under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program. This will be paid directly to school upon completion of the camp and has already been deducted from the total cost of the camp.
2025 Enrolments
It is that time of the year when we begin planning for 2025. As there is a high demand for places at AGPS we would really appreciate it if you could notify the school if your child/ren will not be returning to AGPS in 2025. We would also appreciate it if you have a child starting prep in 2025 and have not informed us that you do so as soon as possible.
Please contact the school office on 9360 0777, or alternatively on altona.green.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Survey Reminder
A final reminder to complete the Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey which has been extended until Friday 20th September 2024. The survey is conducted online and only takes 20 minutes to complete. We would really appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the survey before the closing date as this information is used to monitor our progress towards our improvement goals as well as supporting us with our overall strategic direction.
Details of the survey and how to access it were sent via Compass. Please contact the office you have any further questions.
Thank you all for a wonderful fortnight. We hope you all have a fun-filled weekend.
Take care,
David and Cam