Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Term 4! I trust that everybody had a relaxing, well-earned break with their families. While being a very busy term, there are many exciting things to look forward to in the coming weeks; Grade 6 camp to Melbourne, 3-6 swimming program, Mission Day, P-4 Activity Day, P-1 Fun Night, various excursions, Grade 2 sleepover and of course the season of Advent, as we count down to that special time of the year, Christmas.
Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a busy new term, make us ready, attentive and available to hear you. Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us. Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use.
Prep orientation sessions for 2025
Prep orientation sessions for our 2025 students will be held after school hours on Monday 25th November, Tuesday 26th November and Wednesday 27th November. Information will go out in the coming weeks informing you of which of these sessions you are invited to attend. The children will be back on the morning of Tuesday 10th December. On this day they will meet their Grade 6 buddies.
3-6 Swimming
The Grade 3-6 swimming program will commence in week 3 on Thursday 24th October. The children will attend every Thursday until the 28th November. Please complete the permission form on PAM.
Pupil Free Day
This term’s pupil free day will be on Monday 4th of November. On this day teachers and staff will be working on various areas of the curriculum and preparing for end of year reports and Learning Conversations.
Grade 6 Camp
Next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday our Grade 6 students will be attending a camp in Melbourne. The camp is a great opportunity for the children to experience life in the city. They will ‘jam pack’ a lot into the 3 days, giving them a variety of educational experiences including science, history, art, sport, multi-culturalism and modes of transport around the city. We look forward to them returning safely and sharing all of their wonderful experiences.
School Hats
In line with our Sun Smart policy, all children should now be wearing their school hats. If they haven’t done so already, I ask that all children bring their hats to school, clearly named.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Michael Mahoney