Student of the Week

Week 1
Hayley Loblaw - What a super start to Term 4 you have had Hayley! You have been challenging yourself with your sentence writing and adding extra detail to make your work more exciting. You also did a wonderful job at presenting your Share and Learn, your flipbook was very clever and we all loved your drawings of your holidays. Congratulations Hayley!
Kaziah Johnson - Congratulations Kaziah, you have shown such amazing listening skills and always complete your work to the highest standard, with beautiful handwriting to match! We love all your thoughtful contributions in class discussions, and you’re definitely ready to shine in Grade One next year!
Arti Smith - For having such a fantastic start to Term 4! You have been making positive choices, both inside and outside of the classroom. You have displayed wonderful reading habits and have worked hard during task time. Well done Artie, keep up the amazing work!
Hudson Turner - Congratulations Hudson! What a super start to Term 4 you have had. You always take your time and your work is presented to a high standard. Keep it up super star!
Lara Veljanovski - Lara, you have made such an incredible start to Term 4, showing up with your incredible attitude and wonderful sense of humour every day. You are a bright spark in our class and we are so lucky to get to see you each day!
Kayleen Ndayisaba - You have been working really hard to set and achieve your learning goals for this term. Your dedication and effort inspire everyone around you. It is wonderful to watch your handwriting and concentration improving. Keep up the amazing work and continue reaching for the stars!
James McMorran - For your fabulous recount writing about your holiday. Your effort and determination enabled you to produce a top quality piece of work with excellent spelling, punctuation and content. Keep being awesome, James!
Kenzie Potter - Well done Kenzie for your enthusiasm towards learning. Each day, you come to class with a bright smile and an eagerness to explore new ideas. Keep up the fantastic effort!
Pheobe Molan - Phoebe, you are always such a fantastic contributor in class discussions and always try your best in every single class. Outstanding work Phoebe!
Sammy Grundy - Sammy, the effort that you have been putting into class this week is amazing! You have been so persistent and eagar to learn. Well done, you should be so proud!
Emily Boyle - For your positive approach to your learning and joy that you bring to the class each day.
Hamish Bradley - For demonstrating great problem solving skills and kindness when helping your friends in the playground.
Ella White - For your participation in all parts of your learning. It has been wonderful to see your confidence grow this year, as you have taken on more risks and accepted feedback to make improvements. Well done!
Zeba Fosker - Zeba, what a fantastic start to Term 4. You demonstrated marvellous money skills in maths- you will not be tricked into receiving the wrong amount of change! Keep up the fantastic work.
Piper Brett -Piper, what an excellent start you have made to your final term of primary school. Your hard work and dedication across all subjects have really stood out, and it’s fantastic to see you challenging yourself in different aspects of your learning. The way you’ve embraced new challenges with a positive attitude has been truly impressive, and I'm excited to see all that you will achieve this term. Keep up the great effort, you're setting yourself up for a very successful finish to your primary school journey!
Eva Molloy - Eva, the amount of effort that you put into your learning in class every day is outstanding! Keep up the great work, champ!
Millie Easton-Roche - Creative, funny and full of fun. You sure are 'One in a Millie-on' Well done on an outstanding start to Term 4, Millie. We love having your fun and smile in 5/6S!
Elena Monie - You are an absolute delight to have in 5/6T Elena, you bring a smile to everyone's face. Keep being your amazing self!
Week 2
Nikhil Kumar - Congratulations Nikhil! You have kicked off Term 4 with a fantastic attitude towards your learning! You have really impressed me so far this term, it has been awesome to see you working hard on your tasks and you have also made great improvements with your reading. Keep up the amazing work Nikhil, what a star!
Freddie Ames - Congratulations Freddie! What a super star you were during your Share and Learn presentation! Your confidence in front of the class was so impressive, and the way you spoke clearly and proudly showed how much effort you put in. We loved hearing all about your holidays and you should be super proud of yourself. Keep shining bright like the amazing speaker you are!
Evie Ryall - You are a kind, compassionate and caring classmate who is always looking out for others. We are so happy to have your smiling face and sparkly personality in FZ!
Hina Beesley - Congratulations Hina! We love your enthusiasm during class discussions. It is great seeing you remember to put your hand up, before making your valuable contributions. Keep up the great work! From Miss B and Miss Morrison.
Noah Allen - For being such a thoughtful and caring member of 1P. You are always thinking about others and looking out for ways to include them with you. Well done!
Harper McMillan - Harper consistently impresses her teachers and classmates with her artistic flair and creativity. Her enthusiasm and questions contribute positively to our whole class learning. Additionally, she completes all her tasks to a high standard. I am so proud of her dedication and talent!
Tillie Griffiths - For your regular positive contributions to the classroom. We love it when you eagerly share your knowledge and answers with your peers and teachers. Your improved confidence when reading in front of the class has also been a delight to witness. Keep on being amazing, Tillie!
Oscar Barrett - Well done Oscar for showing great determination in your learning, putting in extra effort to understand new concepts and sharing your knowledge with the class. You are always eager to improve and do your best. Keep up the great effort!
Tilda Green - Tilda, I love how persistent you have been during our cursive writing practice. When faced with a new challenge, you hold your head up high and are so keen to improve. Keep up the fantastic work, Tilda!
Bailey Schaerer - For always being kind, respectful and determined. Keep it up, super star!
Tarra Kandasamy - For your attention to detail in all of your work. You are a dedicated, and resilient learner, and consistently show 100% effort. Well done on a fantastic start to Term 4!
Kian Ilalio - For always striving to achieve your personal best in your learning and challenging yourself, especially in maths. You're always thinking about what's next in your learning!
Thomas Grundy -This week we spoke about the eight maths dispositions: resilience, persistence, determination, engagement, creativity, confidence, curiosity, and positivity. You not only embody these qualities in maths, but in all aspects of your life. Keep up the fantastic attitude, Tommy!
Yaya Yang - Yaya, I love how you always give 100% in everything you do, especially in Maths. Your willingness to share your ideas and learning with the class has been amazing. It’s fantastic to see you confidently explaining your thinking and helping others understand different concepts. But what stands out even more is the kind and supportive friend you are to everyone. You’re always there to lend a hand or offer words of encouragement, which makes you such a positive role model in the classroom. Your efforts, enthusiasm, and kindness don’t go unnoticed. Keep shining, Yaya!
Osha Woodham - Osha, you are a remarkable student who goes about your daily learning wanting to achieve, no matter what the task is. Your motivation towards learning will take you places. You should be very proud! Outstanding effort, each-and-every day
Brax Rogalski - This week was great for a ski. No, not the snow type of ski, the improvement in 5/6S from... Brax Rogalski!
Alex Smith - I love how you always find ways to add something a little extra into your presentations to entertain your audience. Awesome job Alex!
Maya Dahlnorris -Maya, congratulations for consistently demonstrating maturity, a great sense of humour and a diligent attitude in everything you do. Your growth mindset and positivity are admirable qualities, and they will undoubtedly put you in good stead as you transition to high school. Keep up the amazing work, and continue to shine in all that you do. You should be incredibly proud of yourself, as I am of you!