Year 7 Music  


Year 7 Music students have been hard at work composing their own pieces and learning a song on either the keyboard or guitar. Miss Bailey and Mr. Browning are thrilled with the students’ talent and dedication, especially as they’ve selected their own songs to master on their chosen instruments. We’re excited to see these skills evolve next term as we transition to our rock band unit, where students will have the chance to form their own bands and play electric instruments. 


Year 9 Music 

Throughout the term, Year 9 Music have been creating their own compositions. Using their knowledge of Australian themes and Popular styles, students have worked hard and are getting themselves prepared to perform at the end of term. Mr Browning is amazed at the talent from this class, and we all look foward to the coming term. 


Year 10 Music  

This term, Year 10 Music have started their core topic of Australian Music. Students are preparing for a performance in week 10 and have been diligently practicing and rehearsing hits from iconic Australian artists such as ACDC, Midnight Oil, Australian Crawl, INXS, Ocean Alley, and Angus and Julia Stone. We’re excited to hear their renditions of these classic Aussie tunes. 


Year 12 Music 

Year 12 Music students are rapidly approaching their HSC exams, entering the final stages of preparation for their performance assessments. After dedicating countless hours to rehearsal and refinement, they are now poised to showcase their talents. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to seeing how they apply their musical skills as they transition into the real world beyond school. 



Year 7 students have been working hard in Italian this term on developing their reading comprehension skills and speaking skills. They have been learning about the weather and are working collaboratively with their peers to create and edit a weather report in Italian. We are very excited to see their final products.  





Year 10 Dance are exploring site-specific works and working on developing their own site-specific compositions. In week 8 they will be attending an excursion to Newcastle to film their compositions in a public place. Their short films will then be entered into the CApture Film Festival for Years 9, 10 and 11 students across NSW. We wish them all the best of luck.  


Dance Ensemble 

Extra-curricular dance and Dance Ensemble are busy working on performances for term 4 for MAD Night and other community events. They have also been busy choreographing their own routines to teach to Kurri Kurri Public School students.