Understanding executive functioning - how it impacts learning 

KKHS is leading the way for schools teaching Executive Functioning Skills. 


What are Executive Functioning Skills? 


The brain’s “manager” is the Frontal Lobe, which enables us to focus, remember instructions, make plans and successfully juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities at a time. While this region of the brain isn’t fully developed until around 30 years of age, teenagers begin to make leaps and bounds in these skills as they make their way through high school. 


These are the 10 Executive Functioning Skills: 

Task Initiation 

Emotional Regulation 


Time Perception and Management 


Prioritising and Planning 


Metacognition and Self Monitoring 

Working Memory 

Impulse Control 


Why are Executive Functioning Skills important? 


To access the skills and content being taught in classrooms, students need to have most of these skills at their disposal. Without them, teens can face barriers to learning. When this happens, many respond by avoiding school or class work, shutting down and giving up or displaying “oppositional” or “non-compliant” behaviours. 


What is KKHS doing to support students? 


At KKHS, we recognise the importance of supporting students as they develop their Executive Functioning skills. We’ve taken the first steps toward this by ensuring all staff are trained and resourced. 


While we’re still in the beginning stages of our journey, students can still seek out support if they’re struggling in these areas.  


This is a big journey, but support at home can make a massive difference. In addition to trying out any of the strategies your child might bring home, you might also try: 

What can we do to help at home? 

Using visual timers 

Creating routines 

Visual reminders 

Planners or reminder apps 

Reward systems 

Talking about emotions and healthy coping mechanisms 

Using music or movement to get the dopamine flowing 

Explicitly teach self management skills 

Label drawers or boxes 

While it might take a while to find what works for your teen, reinforcing these skills at home will truly help!