Deputies Desks

  Ms Somerville, Mr Brown, Ms Brady, Ms Wilson

Jane Somerville - Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10 

Term 3 is always a busy time with Year 12 completing their Trial Higher School Certificate examinations, completing their major projects that contribute a significant portion of their final HSC mark and making decisions as their early offers to university are released. We wish them all the best for their upcoming examinations and am sure they will have had an amazing time at their graduation and formal.


While it is important to set clear goals and continue to work towards achieving success, don’t forget that you are not doing this alone. You can reach out to Mrs Tilden for advice on your 2025 pathway whether it be applications to university, TAFE or employment. Your Year Advisor Mrs Stewart and your class room teachers have helped guide and support you for the last six years of high school and they are still here for you and know you are going to be successful! So remember to reach out if you need any help!


Just like the Trial HSC, the HSC examinations will be held at Kurri Kurri TAFE and you can access your individual timetable through the students online portal. If you aren’t sure, you can access the timetable document:  

You will need to allow extra time at the start of your first HSC exam as there will be paperwork to complete so it is important that you are at the TAFE well before the start time of the examination.


It is also a busy time for Year 11 as they embark on their yearly examinations and start to make decisions about what subjects and pathway they wish to take as they move through into Year 12 ……and we embark on the road to the HSC again!


For Year 10 students, they too are working on preparing for their examinations and for many of them it is the first time they have had to sit a formal examination. While most assessment has been completed by the end of Term 3, it is vital that students still maintain regular attendance.  Regular attendance is more than just showing up; it's about actively engaging in your learning. Each lesson is a building block and missing  one can create gaps in your understanding. Consistent attendance not only helps you stay on track academically but also allows you to fully participate in discussions, group work, and activities that the school has planned. This is also a great time for you to try the TAFE taster courses, set up some work experience, get your white card and spend some time with Mrs Tilden to map out the possibilities that you can set up to make sure that you are on track for what you want to do in 2025.  


This term also marks the end of Hubs for Year 7. I know they have enjoyed their time working in bigger spaces and getting to know the other students in Year 7, however, they are going to be split into smaller sized classes for Term 4.  While they are going to be in smaller groupings, they will still continue to develop their cross curricular collaboration and critical thinking skills. I am looking forward to watching how they navigate this change and seeing what they are able to achieve in their new classroom settings. As always, there is a strong wellbeing and learning support team within the school if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student and how to further support them.

Kasey Brady - Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12

I can’t believe that we have made it to the end of Term 3 and with that the end of Year 12s time at KKHS. 


This term started with Year 12 completing their Trial HSC exams and is concluding with us farewelling them with Graduation and Formal Celebrations. They have also managed to complete My Futures with the My Strengths team, participate in fun wellbeing activities including a week of dress ups and a mystery outing with Ms Stewart and Ms Da Silva, and some learning and university offers in between. We wish them well as they continue to prepare and sit their HSC examinations and make decisions on what is next for them. Year 12 need to remember the HSC exams will be held at Kurri Kurri TAFE. 


I inherited this year group from Mr Hope and they have been an amazing group of students to work with and support. They have had fantastic Year Advisors, Ms Stewart and Ms Taylor (Twyford) who have supported them through the years. I wish them every success in their future, whatever that may look like, and to reach out to Mrs Tilden if they need advice on their 2025 pathway.


Year 9 have also had a busy term.  As Mr Hope wrote about, the highlight was probably going to Camp however they have had plenty of other great opportunities throughout the term, including students participating in rep sporting teams, Uni Steps excursions and wellbeing programs. Next term Year 9 students will be finalising all assessments ready for end of year reports.


The application process for the 2025 High Potential Academic Enrichment classes for Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 is in full swing. This term we started with Year 7, 2025 students participating in interviews with KKHS teachers, which for some was a daunting process, but Mrs O’Halloran, Mrs Weir, Ms Da Silva and myself acknowledged all students tried their best. Year 8, 9 & 10 students for 2025 have been informed of the process, and their application and teacher recommendation to support their application for placement in these classes for next year is due by end of this term. Students will then engage in an workshop to tackle a real-world problem and showcase the qualities and skills expected of those in high potential academic enrichment classes. All participants deserve commendation for their commitment to applying themselves and seeking to enhance their learning opportunities throughout the experience and into 2025.


Finally, it is important to reiterate the expectations we have at KKHS for ALL students and their learning. ALL students need to be in class for the whole lesson. ALL students need to come to school prepared for learning. ALL students need to be in full school uniform EVERY day. ALL students need to listen and follow all reasonable instructions. If we can remind students of these expectations, we should have a great Term 4 to finish 2024, and lots of STAR rewards for Year 9!!! 


Good luck and congratulations to Year 12 2024 as they embark on their HSC exams and their post school futures.  
I hope everyone has a happy and safe break and is rested and ready for Term 4, it's going to be another busy one to finish the year.   

Toni Wilson - Deputy Principal Inclusion & Support 

ARCO – Anti Racism Contact Officer. 


The Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) is a teacher who has been nominated by the principal to support anti-racism education in the school.   

KKHS ARCO is Ms Norberry. If students have any concerns about racism, Ms Norberry is available to support them. 




KKHS is a student mobile phone free zone. We use YONDR pouches to secure student phones during the school day when on school grounds. Unlocking stations are available at exit points of the school at the end of the school day. We are asking parents to support their child to follow the mobile phone process and switch off and away during the school day. 


Benefits of this process for your child include increased engagement in learning, increased social interactions and positive relationship building and an increased sense of belonging to school.  








We welcome HT Admin Mrs Hannah Kidd to KKHS Attendance Team. The Attendance Team works closely with the HSLO monitoring student attendance across KKHS.  

It is important that every student at KKHS strives to reach 95%. 


When a student misses school, they miss important opportunities to learn, build friendships and develop life skills. 


Please contact the attendance team if you have any concerns.