Our JAECG have been very busy as always, this term. In week 5 Lachlan H., Kobi M., Milla P. and Chloe R. attended the JAECG/AET leadership day at St Phillips Christian College in Cessnock and had a great day showcasing and developing their leadership skills, networking with other JAECG and AET students in our network.  

This term the JAECG have started a Yarning Circle maintenance group who meet once a fortnight to clean-up and maintain the Yarning Circle, hopefully by the end of the year we can get it looking nice and presentable.  

On Friday 6th the AGM was held and the new JAECG executive was elected for the 2024/2025 period. Congratulations to our new executive. 

JAECG meetings are held every Friday week B period 2 at the Yarning Circle. All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are welcome.  


Young Mob 


Young Mob has continued this term with our Year 9 and Year 10 students with Aunty Yvonne and Will. Students seem to be enjoying the program and are building a lovely relationship as a group. It is great to see our students developing their leadership skills in the program. 


School and Community Visits  

This term we have been busy with numerous school visits. In week 2 students visited Gillieston Heights Public School, and the Dance and Didge group performed in their NAIDOC Assembly then ran some NAIDOC activities with the primary students. Later that week 10 JAECG students also attended Busy Bees Preston Daycare Centre at Cameron Park and performed and ran art workshops for their Pre-school students. The visit was so successful that we have booked in three more visits for the rest of the year to continue building on the community relations that give our students leadership opportunities to teach their younger peers about their culture. 


In week 4,  8 students attended

 Nulkaba Public School and ran

 art workshops for the day. All 

school visits have been highly 

engaging and created a positive

environment within our JAECG.