Principal's Message

 Mr Alan Hope

As Term 3 draws to a close, we’re excited to celebrate the many activities and milestones happening across the school.

Firstly, a huge congratulations to our Year 12 students! After a whirlwind week filled with fun activities, dress ups and mystery tours they have finally reached the end of their high school journey! Its has been a busy term for year 12, who started off with their trial examinations and are now they gearing up for their final exams. It is very exciting to know that so many students have received early entry offers for Universities and other have employment or apprenticeships lined up. As they move into their HSC exams, I would like to wish each of them the best of luck as they prepare for this important step in their academic journey.


Meanwhile, our Year 9 students recently returned from an unforgettable camp experience. This was a really positive experience for all who attended and filled with adventure, teamwork, and personal growth. A big thank you to the dedicated teachers who organised and accompanied the students – Mr Berry, Mrs Gavenlock and Ms Trayhurn: your efforts ensured that the camp was a tremendous success! We look forward to anymore camps in the future for other year groups. 


We have also celebrated Wellbeing Week with a range of amazing workshops and events throughout the school including the LoveBites program for our year 9 students and the return of the incredible MyStrengths program for students in Year 7, 10 and 12. This amazing programs support a strengths based approach to learning and enable students to discover their top five strengths. All students who participated should have access to their strengths on positivity cards.As we now have data for nearly every student in the school we are excited about how we can incorporate this data into our every day practice.


Term three has also saw the continuation of the ever popular lunchtime sporting competitions. This term is the return of the touch competition. With more teams than ever, stretching from year 7 through to year 11 and teachers joining in we are sure for some very competitive matches in the future. As always, a huge thank you to Ms Merrett and her team for all the hard work in coordinating these events and keeping the team spirit up across all matches! 


As we look forward to warmer weather, a friendly reminder to all students about our summer uniform guidelines. Please ensure you are in the correct uniform each day, as it’s important to maintain our school’s values and present ourselves with pride. Uniform can be purchased at Flanagans in Cessnock. 


Lastly, a big thank you to all the parents who attended our recent Parent-Teacher afternoon. Your involvement in your child’s education is invaluable, and we appreciate your ongoing support in helping our students thrive.


Wishing everyone a restful break and looking forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for the term ahead!