Principal's Report 

 Dear Parents, 


As we head deeper into the footy finals I hope your team is still in it.  Mine sadly is not, so I'm hitching my cart to the Geelong Cats for the finals series. As this is the final newsletter for the term, we start to look forward into term four at all the exciting events in store. 

In the first week of term four we have our Prep - Two camping program which will see our grade two students sleep here at school, our grade one students stay late for dinner and our grade prep students join our grade twos for breakfast. It should be a great event of fun, building independence and preparing students for camps away from school in older years. 


Our biggest event for term four is by far our art show. Whilst Mackellar hasn't had one for some time, we are bringing it back with a vengeance. Our art show will be held on October 24th where we hope to see all of our families and their friends and relatives for what should be a fantastic afternoon and evening showcasing our students' wonderful art work. We will have musicians from local secondary schools, practising artists, food and drinks as well as local and Department of Education dignitaries. The students have been working so hard on their pieces for the night, and I am sure you will agree when you see them.  Be sure to mark the date in your diary. 


As we head into the warmer months, we also have our swimming program coming up in December. This year we have had to reduce our swimming program to one week for students in grades prep tp grade four. We will again be down at Flippers for the week, and we hope all of our students can take part. Our older students will once again be at the beach for a day of swimming and water safety which for them will be on December 18th. 

Stay tuned to XUNO for more detailed information about all of these events as they draw closer. 


Remember this Friday students can have a footy lunch from the canteen and dress in their favourite footy (or other sporting team) clothes for the last day of the term. 

Next term all students will require a school hat, so if your child has misplaced theirs, you may like to use the school holidays to get another ready for the start of term four on Monday October 7th. Remember no hat, no play. 

Finally a reminder that school will finish at 2:30pm this Friday with TheirCare available from this time. Have a wonderful holiday period and I look forward to seeing you all in term four. 

Kind Regards, 


Simon McGlade
