Principal's Message
Ms Reynolds
Principal's Message
Ms Reynolds
Yesterday 7 parents joined me for a Learning Walk through our school. We visited some classrooms, a teacher-planning session, a small-group intervention and even the office area. I asked the parents what they noticed and how it made them think or feel.
These walks are an opportunity to build connections and to see learning through a parent's perspective.
I really appreciated the groups insights - and their willingness to offer their thoughts and opinions about our school and our learners. As a follow-up, I'll be working with the executive team to looks at some anti-bullying resources as well as some homework supports.
A big thank you to Dounia, Danielle, Safieh, Kathleen, Manel, Marian, Phathiswa - and Leigh & Sarah.
Over the past few weeks we have offered so many opportunities for our students to continue their learning beyond the classroom.
What a rich and full education we are supporting!
And - our Senior soccer team made the semi-finals!