Ready to Learn

A reminder of some key information so families can support students to be in class and ready to learn:
Ready to Learn
- All students should come to every class with their charged laptop, writing materials and any texts they require.
- Sub-School swill be in touch with families of students who do not do so to put in place strategies to assist them in developing these important skills
- We have the "Ready to learn" stationary packs available for all students to purchase from the office (which includes about $80 of stationary for only $25). These will provide students with all the stationary they need
For those who haven't used COMPASS before, COMPASS is a comprehensive school management system that will support students, families and the College in ensuring easy, timely communication, as well as a great number of other features to assist the whole community.
We currently use COMPASS for the following features:
- All school communications (important messages, emails and notifications of events including "Tutoring" and Detention)
- Attendance and Lates
- Class schedules and calendars
- Excursion approvals and payments
- Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- Reports
This year will see the roll out of a further range of features to support student learning and to make the juggling of managing your child's schooling easier for everyone.
A couple of guides are available to support families:
• COMPASS for parents -
• A guide for parents and families -
COMPASS is available through a web browser or through an App. To download the Compass App on your mobile device, search for 'Compass School Manager' on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Passwords for families who are yet to log in have been sent out again today. If you need support with passwords please contact our IT department via phone.
Attendance and Lateness
- Every class on every day is important, so students should be in attendance every day except in cases of illness
- At Glenroy College have a minimum attendance rate of 90%. Students below this may not be able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to successfully complete a subject or year level, and this is particularly important at VCE
- Parents should ensure they put an approval on COMPASS for any absence or lateness you are aware of. These can be entered in advance if you know ahead of time
- Students who arrive to any class after the bell will be marked as late, and our existing consequences will continue for students who are late 3 times or more in a term
- Full school uniform is expected to be worn every day
- Sports Uniform may only be worn on days when student have PE or interschool sports
- Non-uniform items (hoodies, jumpers etc) will be confiscated the first time, noted on COMPASS and will available for collection by the student at the end of the day
- For further incidents the item will be confiscated, noted on COMPASS and available for collection by the parent at the front office from the end of the day. These will not be released to students
- We understand that sometimes there are circumstances which mean students will wear non-uniform items, and when this is the case parents should contact the relevant sub-school (Crystal Miggiani in Junior School, and Danielle Newman in Senior School) to ensure this is noted on COMPASS so students will not have the item confiscated
- We are also more than happy to assist families who need support in ensuring their student has access to uniform items. Please feel free to reach out to anyone in the sub-schools, Charlie Moukbel in Wellbeing or any member of the principal team on 9304-0400 for this
- The full list of current uniform items and requirements can be found at