Year 3/4

As we wrap up the first three weeks of Term 4, here’s a look at what’s been happening in our Year 3/4 classrooms! We’ve embarked on an exciting exploration of the Middle Ages. Students have dived into the fascinating world of knights, lords, serfs, and castles. We’ve learned about the social structure of the time and the importance of trade in mediaeval life.
In Mathematics, we’re focusing on statistics and data collection. Students have been busy gathering data on various topics and transforming that information into both written and digital graphs. This hands-on approach is helping them to understand the importance of data in making informed decisions and discovering patterns.
The highlight of the past few weeks was undoubtedly our performance following the artist-in-residence rehearsals. Both classes showcased their talents and hard work, performing beautifully under pressure. It was a proud moment for all.
Thank you
Travis and Wiley