Year 1/2

We have been exploring the novel ‘The Wild Robot’. Some students made a connection with this from possible holiday trips to the movies. We have been focusing on different vocabulary which has been amazing to see students transferring these new words into their writing sessions. When reading a couple of chapters a day, students have been fully engaged in the adventures that Roz is encountering, and therefore able to turn and talk to a partner to answer comprehension questions.
In writing, students have been learning how to write procedural texts. They have written a variety of both informative and entertaining pieces, explaining to their reader how to do something. We have been taking care to use specific language, as well as to structure writing pieces using dot points, subheadings and a numbered list of steps.
At the start of the term, students revised place value, looking further at renaming three and four digit numbers. We explored this through lots of hands on activities, ensuring we were looking at numbers in many different ways to solidify our place value understanding.
We have also begun to venture into the world of fractions; considering how shapes and collections can be divided into equal parts. We have used real life examples to connect fractions with the ‘real world’ so this can make it easier for students to learn if they have something they can relate to. You might want to explore this with your children, and ask questions such as ‘how would we cut this into quarters?’ or ‘we cut it into eight equal parts, but there are 2 pieces missing, what fraction of our cake has been eaten?’
We would like to congratulate the Year 1/2 students for all the hard work they put into rehearsing their Artist in Residence dance. They performed with confidence and an eagerness to do the best they could. Thank you to the parents/carers/family members who came to support your children. It means so much to them to have people in their worlds champion them in standing up in front of an audience, especially when it can be a challenge for some. It was an incredible turn out!