
It is hard to believe that we are only in week 3 of the term. We have packed so much into the first two weeks. We started the term with swimming and all the kids had an amazing time. It was so fabulous to see the independence and confidence grow across the week. By the Friday the Preps were a well-oiled machine of getting changed, swimming and hopping on the bus.
Last week was the amazing Artist in residence. Bernard was a brilliant teacher whose enthusiasm and passion for performance ensured the students had a great time. I think we can all agree that the concert on Thursday night was a highlight and without any favouritism the Preps were the stars of the show.
This term we are looking at the suffix -est (which means most). This is being done through our reading and writing sessions. Each week we are looking at a different -est word, this week it is biggest. We have discussed why we must double the g when changing from big to biggest and have been reading about the biggest animal in the world, the Blue Whale.
Finally, a huge congratulations to the 3 winners of the Farm Art in the Prep category at the Lancefield Show. Well done to Kelsey, Emmy and Hendrix for drawing an amazing picture of a tractor and trailer.