SAKG- Year 5/6

In Term 4, classes 56J and 56C are participating in SAKG.
During our first gardening session, we successfully moved a mountain of sand into the two sandpit areas. We practiced shovelling, raking, sweeping, and using a wheelbarrow to transport the sand.
This term, we’ll be exploring global cuisine through cooking. Some of the dishes we’ll be preparing include carrot, cumin, and herb fritters; tabbouleh; roqaq; baba ghanoush; sweet potato, corn, and black bean salad; guacamole; green salad with honey mustard dressing; Mexican beans; and soft-shell tacos. Our emphasis will be on kitchen safety and knife skills.
If you’d like to help support the students during a cooking or gardening session, please reach out to the office. SAKG relies on the assistance of volunteers to run smoothly.